Chapter 50

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They all said it before.

That love changes you.

That it would free you from all the bothering reality of this world.

That it turn your life upside down and you have no idea if you should turn it back...or just roll with it.

But they also said that, love hurts.

More than it should.

More than any kind of pain in this world.

It can rip the soul out of your body and you would feel like life has come to an end.

They also said that it's magic.

One that no magician can truly perform.

One that no one can really understand what it is.

The need to feel love is in every human hearts.

But the question of how and the truth why some of us wake up in the morning with hope.

To find love.

And when you do. Don't hesitate.

Don't question.

Don't regret.

Don't lie.

Don't cheat.

Don't stop.


Just live.

Only then, would you love for the reason that you have found it.

You have loved and be loved.

      He held my hand warmly in his as we stand in front of the woman who had left the world and mean as much to me. He put the white roses on the ground and inched back and held my hand again.

I look at Josh and wonder how did I managed to live my life without him besides me. It hurt so much back then that when his here with me right now, it seems all the pain just seems like getting bitten by a little ant. It stings but not to the point that you would cry.

"You have her picture?" He ask.

"I'll show you when we get back home."

We both look at the grave stone that imprinted her name on it.

"You know, when I was little, she use to do this thing for me." I spoke.


"Dad wouldn't usually let me have too much candy before dinner. He said that if I hurt my teeth, then it would cause a lot for us to pay the dentist. I would get upset for the part that he yelled at me and for the part that I can't eat candy. So, momma would call me to help her in the kitchen. She said that if I wash the dishes on the sink, she would give me a cookie to munch on."

"You clean the dishes?"

"No, there wasn't any."

Josh look at me confusingly.

"I told her that and she smiles while nodding her head. She said that sometimes in life sweety, you can't always expect people to understand what you want. So, when that time comes, you pretend to wash the dishes and then I can give you your cookie."

And somehow the look on his face worsen. I laughed at how gorgeously clueless he is.

"I know. I didn't get it either at the time. I was looking at her like she's speaking another language or something."

"I think I just heard that language too."

We both laugh.

"What she means is that; people will tell you no. They will tell you to stop because of whatever reasons there is. And when they do, just ignore the voices and keep doing your thing. The dishes is not there so you don't have anything to wash, but there is always your own hand that you could clean."

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