Chapter 15

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Skyler Mason

        There is definitely something wrong with Josh. One moment he kiss me passionately and the next he punch me and screamed at my face. Then he ask me to hang out with him. Okay now that I've put everything into words, he definitely sound like he needs help. What was wrong with him? Why is he doing this? All of this unanswered question keeps frustrating the shit out of me.

Josh ask me to hang out with him after school. God forbid I step foot into that house again and let all hell break loose. I think the best thing to do right now is to avoid him as much as possible. On second thought maybe his just confused. Confused? About what I have no idea.

Judging by the way he molested and kiss me...maybe his getting gay. Maybe all of those weird, unnatural feelings he get when looking at boys are messing with his mind.

Sigh. I don't even know what is what anymore. Even if he is turning gay, why would he bully me? I mean I'm the school emo Gothic kid. Isn't it abvious people should stay away from me? Or am I the one who's being too paranoid about myself.

My phone have been buzzing like crazy on my way home. I look at the screen and Josh name appeared along with 10 missed calls and 4 messages. Ok this is totally creeping me out. I open the messages anyway.

Yo where u at? U need ride?

I ain't got that much time Mason.

Where the fuck r u!!!!

Dude answer the fucking phone!

My whole body cringe at the way he command me, even through text messages. Another call comes in and I sigh for god knows how many times today. I saw a nearby park with swing sets and walk towards it. I slide to pick up the call.

What the fuck dude!!! Where the hell are you??!!!”

I take the phone away from my ear when Josh's voice nearly burst my earlobe.

“I'm not coming.”


I said...” I sigh trough the phone and sit on the swing “Im not...coming.”

“Say that again.” His voice thick and low.

“Josh look...I know that you're confused right now but I don't think there's anything that I can do to help.” I said feeling slightly amaze by the boldness that came out from my mouth.

The other line remain silent which seems more intense.

“I don't know what you want from me or if I owe you anything but I don't think its gonna help with anything if you just keep messing around like this.”

Still silent.


“Fuck you.” He said calmly and cut the line.

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