Chapter 3

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...How I would portray Josh Hart...

         Good looks, hot body, perfect life, and awesome friends. Nothing can go wrong with me. The school hottest guy and captain of the football team.

They as in my allies, always acclaimed that 'dude you're like the hottest guy in school,you could like bang any bitch you want.'

And surely I've never been more high and proud of myself. Hey, don't fucking blame me if I'm like that. People see me that way so I'm gonna give them what they wanna see. But overall its really hard to keep up with things when everyone seems to expect something great from you. Its a burden but I'm enjoying it.

But everything change that night at the party. The night a drunk dude stumbled upon my way. I don't know if I was drunk or high or anything, but I sure wanted to fuck the shit out of him senselessly. Yeah, HIM. A guy.

I ain't no fag or homo but clearly the sexy ass dude is. His all over me when I brought him to the room. It felt gross at first when he was touching me and grinning like stupid.

I wasn't hooked yet at the time. I was just helping a drunk kid. So when I help him to the room and throw him on the bed, her long hideous hair flip back revealing only the most beautiful face I've ever seen in my entire far, I think.

Damn his gorgeous.

I felt something twich inside my pants and it doesn't feel pleasant. I kept staring at him. No word can describe how beautiful he is and how horny I am. Shit. Why haven't I noticed him in school before? Is he a senior too?

I braced myself and slowly walked towards his sleeping formation but not before I locked the door first. No human being is gonna disturb my moment with this sexy piece of ass. I sit beside him. He was mumbling something about warlocks and was moaning at the same time.
Shit this kid is drunk as fuck.

I watched as he stretch his slender body and turn around to face me. He opened his eyes still laying on the bed with his arm above his head.

Is this guy trying to seduce me or something? Cause hell its working. He smile at me and I started to notice that he has this really dark sapphire blue eyes. I clearly can't keep my eyes from staring at him. If my staring could fuck, this would be round 2.

When he noticed that I was staring at him, he let out a deep laughed.


Yeah I am. Wait...what? Did he just fucking call me stupid?

"What did you just say?" I ask clearly annoyed at this kid. I've never been called stupid in my hole entire life. He has no idea what's coming his way.

He sit up on the bed and cross his leg. He lean towards me. He was so close,our face is just inches away from kissing.


He said with a slur tone in his raspy voice and I could smell the strong scent of alcohol. How much has he been drinking? But by then he was laughing hysterically and hugging my shoulders. I just look at him fascinated. How weird can someone get when they're drunk or in this case how much can he?

When he hug my shoulder's from the side,I just can't hold it anymore. I push him on the bed and pin his hand above his head. Now, his completely locked in my grip. I hovered above him. He shocked me when he crossed his leg around my waist. At the time, my member was already rocking hard.

Fuck this kid is naughty. I like it. Damn i liked it. I groaned when he move his hips under me making me shot up my face. I look down at him again and he was biting his full red lips. Fuck it. Nothing can stop me now.

I slammed my lips on top him and push my tounge inside his mouth. Tasting every corner of his sensational inside. He whimpered underneath me trying to keep up. I deepen the kiss and god knows how fucking horny I am.

I take my shirt of and let our lips part for a brief of seconds. He was out of breath but that didn't stop me from attacking him with a rough and wet kiss again. He was moaning and scrambling under me which make me more aggressive. I let go of his hand and tucked his shirt out giving me free access to his neck and chest. Damn. He is so hot.

I lick and suck all over his neck living red bruises on his pale skin. Shit that turns me on even more. I licked his nipple and go back to his mouth. But that wasn't enough. I open my jeans zip and let down my boxer to my knee while kissing him roughly. I took out my member and rub it against my hand.

The sensational and amazing feels shot through my body when I felt his hand replaced mine rubbing up and down my member. I let out a harsh groaned. I look at him with lustful eyes as his hand does wonder to my body.

I smashed our lips again as he continue to touch me. I traced my lips along his jaw line and his other hand grab the back of my neck and pull me closer to him.

"Uhh...I'm gonna come." I moan on his mouth as he slightly open it when I was reaching my point.


"Arhg...argh...!!!" I scream while a bundle joy of jizz shot out from me onto his chest. He stop rubbing me and close his eyes n pleasure. I notice the tissue on the night stand and quickly pull it out. I wipe all the cum on his stomach.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What the hell is that? I've never felt so fulfilled before. I was still heavily breathing. When I look at him he was sleeping.

Wait, what?

Did he seriously just fell asleep after all that? Damn, his weird. But that's not the point.

I mean what was that?

His a dude. Other dude don't masturbate other dude? But this was more than just a dude thing. I was still on top of him finding it hard to move away. I grab his t shirt and put it on him and do the same with mine and my jeans. Still on top of him.

I look at him for more several minutes. I know that if I walked out of this room, the chances of seeing him in school again is zero if he even goes to our school. So I gotta do something. I check his pocket jeans and lucky me I found his cell phone. I called my number and done.

Soon, I will be reunited with whoever the fuck this kid is.

But why do he dress like its Halloween though? Is there something wrong with colourful clothes? He has this thick eyeliner around his eyes and his long hair making it hard to see his face at all.

Question after question charged in my mind as I keep thinking and looking at him.

When I'm done fucking him with my eyes, I jumped out of bed and walked out the door.

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