Chapter 28

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"Mason you've been in the fucking bathroom for hours. Get the fuck out or I'll broke down the door.   Mason!"

        I keep banging on the door and yelling for him to come out. Is he screwing something in there? What's taking him so long?

When I stop my banging for a while, the door slowly open. I pull the door harshly which resulted in Sky tumbling forward.

"Oww. I'm sorry."

"What the hell were you doing in there?"

"I was just..." he shrugged his shoulder as the sentences left hanging.

"Come here." I grab him between his armpit and lift him up. Damn his light.

But that was a terrible idea cause when I heard his little moan, my dick decided that it's cold and hard and in need of  something warm around him.

I try to kiss Sky but he back away as he held his hand to my chest.

"No Josh. Let's not do this."

"Do what? Come on Mason. Its not like that we haven't fuck before. Just...come here."

I pull his hand towards me but Sky was insist on not allowing me to do what I want.

Now, if there's one thing in the hole world that I hate most is when people doesn't give me what I want.

"You know Mason, I could go all day like this but to the end of it I'm still gonna get what I want." I said smugly trying to mentally convince him that whatever he will do is just gonna end up in me between his legs.

But what happen next is something that even Jesus haven't think of writting it up in the destiny book when Sky shove his left pinky finger into his nose and started to dig something in there.

"Seriously? You're picking your nose?" I ask him in disbelief.

"Yeah I am. So you better stay away from me or...or...or I'm gonna wipe it at you."

I see. His trying to make me back away. Smart but not really. Seeing the look on his face when his lying to me is pretty fucking adorable.

God I swear his killing me.

Since I was so fucking turn on, there is no fucking way I'm gonna let him leave. So I grab hold of him resulting in both of his arm in my strong grip and hug the little guy. Tight.

My right hand were above his waist but I slowly went down, inside his sweatpants and grab his ass.

I could hear the loud gasp Sky let out as I never intended to stop there. I took out my hands and suck the middle finger.

Still hugging him tightly, I went back inside and try to put my middle finger in his hole. Sky squirm hard underneath me.

"No Josh. Stop. Please don't do...ughh..aghh...hmmph.."

"That's right baby. Fucking moan like a bitch for me."

I twirl my finger inside his warm hole and shove deeper as my dick gets more and more hard.

"Say my name..." I command him in a harsh whisper.

Sky shake his head with close eyes as both of his hand rested on my chest still trying to push me away.

Since I won't take no for an answer, I shove my finger fast and deep making him almost stumble on his own feet.

"I'm not gonna say it twice. Fucking moan my name."

"Josh...please..." He said in silent whimper between breathtaking moans that sound like fucking music to my ear.

I smile because of the satisfaction it gave me.

Sky is something. I don't know what but he make something in me came out. Its not a good feeling at first but god knows whatever it is I fucking love it.

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