Chapter 23

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"Oh my god! They're sooooo hot...go Lions!!! "

Jannet screams as she cheer for the football team. Waving her hand and swaying her hips getting some eyes from the people around. I shook my head and sigh. Even if I wanted to say anything, I can't cause I literally don't see anyone complaining. She got a few wink and whistle from the football team guys back and Jannet being extra bitch today, she waves back.

"Why don't you just join in the cheer team? It would look less slutier." I said.

"Oh shush."

I turn my attention out on the field where the football team doing their practice and I search for a number. 45. Josh were in a squat position and seems to be very focus on receiving the ball. I wish I know what they were doing but I don't. Meh.

After what happen that night at the lake, Josh would often call or text me. We would talk about the most random thing ever and I would enjoy it but find it very odd and strange. He had been nice and gentle. Its like his change in a night. I like that. I really do.

"Go baby!" I turn my head to the voice whom I know would belong to who. Jessica. Obviously she's rooting for Josh but I can't help but feel the slight pang of pain in the deep corner of my heart. Deep down I know Josh have a girlfriend and all but I still have some kind of hope that he will drop everything in his life and came running for me. Its like a dream except this one doesn't come true nor would it ever will. Its just something that keeps playing in my head over and over again like a broken disc.

Josh salute Jessica and from what I can see which I really can't because of his helmet, he glance at me. For a brief second. I swear he did. But that doesn't matter because I think he was just glancing around and happen to saw me.

Oh shitty are so shittyless. I sing to myself. "Jannet I think I'm gonna go now." I said standing up from the bleachers and picking up my stuff.

" have to stay and watch this. This is better than any Netflix shows." Jannet whined and lord did she put on those ridiculously big puppy eyes.

"Of course it's better than Netflix cause your a bitch but I need to go home and do my homework. I'll call you later okay? Love you."

I walk away as Jannet say her goodbye's. But something feels weird though. Its like I'm running away but I'm not. For goodness sake I'm just going home to do my homework!!! Wait who am I talking too?

I was doing my homework when my phone light up and vibrated. I look at the table clock. Its 9 p.m. I pick up the phone and suddenly a thought came to my mind. I always answered Josh's phone call and texts. Never once did I didn't. It feels like I have to even if I don't.

Well I guess that's going to change tonight. I don't want Josh getting me all high hope for something I know I can't have. No expectations, no disappointment. The one rule I have been living by.

I ignore the call and proceed to turn my phone to silent mode and put it downward so I can focus on my homework better. Settle.

After I finish all my homework from history to biology, I take my phone and jump on the bed. My brain is so tired it is possible that if I wake up tommorow and I wouldn't remember a thing for the recent years of my life. I slide my phone to unlock and of course there would be 13 missed calls and 1 text message? Only one text? That's a first. I open the text and there it is. The thing that had always been one of Josh skills. Threatening.

You fucking piece of shit. You are so dead tommorow!!!

No I'm not. That's me reasurring myself. Maybe I shouldn't go to school tommorow. Even if I did how would Josh be able to meet me alone when his always with his gang and plus we're not even in the same grade. I don't think its possible for him to kill me but his not someone who would just make empty threats to look intimidating.

This is Josh Hart we're talking about. His no joke. You should've seen him playing on the field. Whether its a state championship or a friendly match, he would roam the entire football field like a beast empowering his kingdom.

That had earn Josh the respect and famous reputation from people around the school and town. People would look up to his majestic form and the power that he own. Its like his a king in the past life which would really be awesome actually.

Well then...I guess I won't be going to school after all. Time to apply some toothpaste on my arm pits.

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