Chapter 24

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      Aunt Jessie put her hand on my forehead to check my temperature. Boy did she buy it. She left me to my slumber as she goes down stairs to make me something to eat later. This is the best day ever. No school. No annoying and foul mouthed human being and definitely no Josh Hart that I assure you will beat the shit out of me.

      I really don't know what's wrong with that guy. Wait actually I do. His a closet case jock just like in any typical story. Some story would continue with the jock finding the strength of love from the loser boy to come out and face his fears because when he did, it turn out that everyone is okay with it. What a load of fairytale bullshit.

    Some story would justified that the closet jock isn't actually gay. He just fall in love with that particular nerd boy cause he had never seen anyone that is more beautiful than life. That is somewhat dumb. Seriously dumb.

But among all those stories, no matter how awful or bad and ridiculous they are. They are the only story that people like me actually like. The only one thing we losers told ourselves to believe in. To assure ourselves that dreams do come true. What a sad life we live in.

   After a pundle joy of wonderful and beautiful nonsense dream, I annoyingly woke up cause my phone is literally blasting throughout the room. I reach for the phone on the night stand table and unconsciously answerd it.

Yup, biggest mistake of my life but shit can't be fixed so...

“Hello.” I answered the phone call sounding like a grandpa with a serious case of vocal chord disorientation.


“Hello?” I said again as I drop my head on the pillow deeper. “Jannet? That you?”

“No.” A deep husky and very grumpy voice answered back.


For the last few minutes, I just stare into the air as I wait for Josh or myself to say something and end this dreadful awkwardness.

“Can I help you with anything?” I ask.

“Where you at?”


“Why?” This question is either sweet or very stupid.

“I'm sick.”

I heard a faint sneered but didn't really say anything about it. How should I react to this guy?

Ugh...boys are so complicated...and girls of course.

“Let's meet.”

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