Chapter 18

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I lay on the dirty floor of the bathroom and stare into the distance as my mind went blank. I have no idea what's going on or how long I've been in here. I can hear the toilet door open once in a while and people coming in but fortunately they didn't bother with me.

My phone buzz for the third time. That must be Jannet. I want to call her back or text her saying I'm fine but the fact that I'm not, stops me.

It feels weird. It feels really weird how comfortable this toilet floor is. Right now, this floor feels like the most safest place in the world.

Have you ever feel like that? I mean being comfortable in a place where you thought never would have been in the first place. A place that estranged to everyone else but it has your lifeline to it. That place for me right now is this toilet floor. I should do this more often. Mehh.

After a few more minutes, I pick myself up slowly grabbing the edge of the sink and stand on my own two feet. My leg feel numb from laying on the floor too much. I took out my phone and text Jannet.

I'm not feeling well. Gonna go home.

I grab my bag and walk out of the bathroom. The hall is empty so, I took this chance and proceed towards the entrance. I don't think I can handle school for today. I might bump into Josh again and that is the last thing I want.

I walk home slowly taking my time. Listening to hard core music which didn't match my pace at all. I was thinking about listening to some slow and ballad song but that would just make me broke down and cry in the middle of the street. No sad emotional things for today.

"I'm home." I said when I walk in the house.

"Skyler? What are you doing home sweetie?"

Aunt Jessie ask appearing from the kitchen with hand towel at her shoulder.

"I didn't feel well. I had a nosebleed at school."

"Oh my god do you want me to take you to the clinic or something?" She ask worriedly. Aunt Jessie is sweet as grandma could be. Even though she doesn't look like mom, they were still close and she's really kind and nurturing. That's why I don't hate her.

"Nah...I'm good. I've gone to the school nurse and she told me to go home. I'm gonna go upstairs and get some sleep." I don't know if anyone have notice, but I am a very excellent liar. With the natural face and all, I could fool anybody. Maybe make money out of it. Who knows.

"Okay. You go get some rest. I'll wake you up when its dinner."

I smile. "Thanks Aunt Jessie."

I climb up the stairs slowly realizing how tired I am. I open my bedroom door and as soon as I saw the love of my life aka my bed, I jump on him(my bed is male. Don't judge me.) and snuggle myself between the black sheets. After a while, I had long.......(already asleep)

Josh Hart

"Shit." I fall on my back as Jess puts her head on my chest. We were both panting from our love making session.

"That was amazing babe." Jess whisper into my ears. I smirk at the comment. Of course it was amazing. I'm fucking Josh Hart. Everything about me is amazing.

Not long after, we both fall asleep.

I wake up when I feel something moving on the bed. I open my eyes and saw Jess getting dress.

"Baby, I'm gonna go home now okay." She crawled into the bed and peck my forehead. "I'll call you."

With that, she disappear out of my room. Great, just great. I feel fucking empty now. And like all stupid feelings human have, I just had to think about that faggot. Shit! Stop thinking about him. Stop imagining him in your arms, laughing and being happy. Just stop.

What is this shitty feeling? Why does my heart feel so fucking heavy? What the hell am I supposed to do? I grab my hair and sigh in frustration as this...this...this thing is corrupting inside of me.

I pick up my phone from the nightstand and call someone who in a million year I wouldn't think of asking for help. On the third ring, Sky pick up the phone.


Damn why the hell is his voice sounds husky and freaking sexy. I adjust my position and clear my throat.

"Who's this?"

"Its me." There were silence on the other line.

"What do you want?" And there goes the cold treatment. I really don't get why this guy hate me so much. Am I that hateful to him? Fucking stupid. Now I feel like shit.

"I'm hungry." That's my brain being stupid.


"I don't wanna eat alone."

"If this is some kind of a funny prank you're pulling then you can forget about whatever...."

"Its not okay! I'm just asking you out so that we could catch up with each other. Don't feel so high about yourself. Pranking you wouldn't even worth my time so just save it." I cut in before he could insult and fucking hurt my feelings which I have no idea was possible. Gosh I feel like a sissy.

The line is silent again. Shesh say something.

"Look, I just want something to eat okay? Is that too much to ask?" I keep chanting 'don't sound so desperate, don't sound so desperate' in my head. But I guess that's way past seconds ago.

"It is."


"You almost broke my nose today. So I think you should at least gave me one good reason why you did what you did."

Maybe because his speaking through the phone now, he sounds like he actually have balls. Instead of just staring at the floor and barely talking, he has a lot nerves this time.

"You know what just forget it!" I cut off the line and throw my phone beside. God I'm pissed!

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