Chapter 16

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Skyler Mason

I arrived home and as soon as I get in the house I walk up straight to my room. Too tired to be dealing with anything that will consume my energy. But apparently the world is not a grant wishing factory.(Shout out to TFIOS fans>o<)


Just before I open my bedroom door,  Sarah shout my name from downstairs.


“Get down here!”


“Just do it okay!”

I groaned in frustration. How come my sister is always bossy and evil? On second thought, I don't want to know.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to see grandma sitting at the other side of the dine table while Sarah sits at the end of it.

“What's going on?” I ask not sure with the situation that is happening in front of me.

“You should sit down first Skyler.” Grandma said gesturing towards the chair in front of her. I walk to the chair and sit silently until grandma finally broke the silence.

“You see, after what had happened, grandpa and I have never been more happy to have both of you in our lives. We feel grateful for all the goodness that have been bestowed upon us. Including you two. But along those gratefulness and dedication of raising both of you, we have been restless. So...what I'm trying to say is...”

“Is that you're gonna go on a vacation and leave me alone with this twerp.” Sarah budge in. A sign of dissatisfied clearly show on her face.

“Sarah! Don't call your brother that. Its very rude of you.” Grandma yell at Sarah giving her own piece of mind. Sarah just shrugged her shoulder and turn her eyes towards the living room.

“Yes as a matter of fact, we are going on a vacation but since its clear that I can't just leave you too be, I'm going to ask aunt Jessie for help. She'll be here by tommorow when we leave.”

“Whatever.” Sarah said. With that, she storm out of the kitchen. Grandma and I look at her until she was gone from our sight. I turn my attention to grandma again and gave her a smile. She smiles back performing wrinkles around her eyes.

Grandma and grandpa wave goodbye to us before the car slowly drifted away and by then they were lost in our sight. I sigh. Suddenly feeling a heavy burden across my shoulders. I look at Sarah as he walk to her car and start the engine.

“Can you give me a lift?” I ask calmly.  

Sarah look at me like I'm speaking in a foreign language or maybe she's just too stupid too understand.

“Go away you freak.” She snorted, giving me disgust looks.  I rolled my eyes and went under the tree where I always waited for the bus.

I walk through the hall not caring anything in the world until someone suddenly push my back harshly. I were thrown to the ground making a hard impact between my face and the floor. I grunted in pain.

“Watch where you going fag.” 
I know that voice from anywhere. Josh.

“Yeah fag...make sure you dont let all that faggot bullshit stain the hall.” Said the other guy.

I look up to see Josh and his team already walk up ahead with their heads up and strong built. The impress look on other people eyes makes me cringe in the most horrific way possible. What is there to be impresse about of a bully.

I pick myself up from the ground but not without spilling tears. I wipe the tears away with the back of my hand when suddenly a little bit of red stain fill my fingertips. I touched my nose and more blood appear. I sigh in frustration as I quickly walk to the bathroom.

I went to the sink and wash my nose slowly. As I were cleaning the blood, out of both where, a heavy and painful feeling stab through my chest making me sob for no reason whatsoever. I grab my painful chest as my crying and wailing become more harsh and rapid.

They were 3 people in the bathroom looking at me like I've lost my insanity. But they soon left after the first bell rang. My sobbing were getting more loud as I crouche to the ground holding the sink. My other hand still grabbing my heavy heart.

What is happening to me? What is this dreadful feeling? The question didn't quite do anything good as a flash of memory swipe through my thought making me fall to the dirty toilet floor and curl in a ball.

“I'm so sorry mom.”

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