Chapter 35

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"I'm sorry Jessie, babe. I don't think I'm in the mood." I backed away from Jessica suffocating kisses.

"What? Not in the mood? You sick or something babe?" She laugh at me.

"Haha very funny." I throw myself on the bed and lay down, staring at the fucking ceiling.

"Ohh...sorry. Its just that,you're always in the mood. In fact, you beg me to be in the mood. Anything bad happen today?" She lay down beside me resting her head on my chest.

"I'm just tired I guess."


"Tired? Practice getting intense?"

"Yeah. Sort off."


"Well I guess we can do it some other time." She let out a heavy breath.

"Yeah. Other time."


Thinking about sex with Jessica at other time sounds...unlikely?

After I literally throw Sky out my house, Jessica then jumped on me, begging to fuck. Bitch.

I've seen the look on Sky's face and damn did it hurt me. Is it even possible that when I hurt him, I would be the one who would hurt more?

Fuck! Am I gay or something? What is this heavy dreaded feelings? Plus, while I'm kissing her, why do I always thought of Sky? That never fucking happen before. Ever.

This is so not good.

I don't know how long I was lost in my own mind but by the time I look down to my chest, Jessica was far from awake. No wonder she's not bitching about anything.

I gotta set my standards straight even if I have no idea what that mean. It just sounds really logic.

I walk back and forth in my room, furious about this other bitch. Why can't he answered my fucking call? Doesn't he know how fucking horny I am to hear his voice?

I swear relationship are so fucking complicated. But that's just it. Me and Sky, we're not in a relationship. His not even my friend.

Is he perhaps my sex slave?

Or a hidden lover?

Maybe my biggest fear.


I don't know. I don't know anything! Why do I have to be such a dumbass when it comes to this shit.

I try calling him for the eleventh time. Yes, I fucking called him eleven time and that fucker won't even answered a single one of it.

He is so dead tommorow. Wait till I fuck the shit out of him.

Shit. Thinking about it is making my hard boner worst.

My hand went down to touch and massage my raging dick.

Fuck it. I need porn.

By the time I wake up, the sun was literally shoving my face to hell. Goddamn it, why is it so fucking sunny outside?

Just when I was about to go to sleep again, Sky's face showed up in my mind and out of no where, my body rise from the bed and went to go take a bath. You heard me, my body woke up and go took a bath even tough I fucking don't. This is some crazy ass shit.

Its a sunny Saturday, I give you that. Hmmm...What to do? I could go hang out with the squad at the mall and check out some hot bitches or go to Jessica's house and check up on her.

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