Chapter 30

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      I laugh like it was my first laugh of the month which in fact is true actually. I've never really recalled laughing in this month with the whole Josh situation. That bastard.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude but what are you doing?" I ask him in small laugh.

"Uhm...asking for your number? Is there anything funny about it?"

I turn to look at Jannet and she look at me with confusion. I turn back to Luke and try to explain.

"Look. I'm sorry, I don't think I want to give you my number."

Reason one, he looks like Josh. Reason two, he acts like he know me for a long time. Reason three, he didn't even say hi to Jannet or the least,  talk to her.

"Why not?" Luke ask in protest.

"Just because I guess."

"What he meant is that his not interested." Jannet suddenly said.

"Fine. Its your loss anyway."

With that, Luke stand up and walk away but not without looking back at me and Jannet.

"What is that?" I ask Jannet.

"That my friend is the living proof of how complicated and weird human being is. Don't worry sweety, I was dumbfounded myself. Gosh who does he think he is?"

I nod at Jannet. Wow, what a day. But thank you Luke for actually making me laugh for the first time in this month. It was really amusing and for one moment, I didn't think about Josh or how hurt I am. Hmm...I should do this more often.

Days pass as me and Jannet keep going through high school. Its gonna take us two more ridiculous years to finish but what choice do we have?

I guess we could just go with the flow huh.

     I was walking back from school when suddenly a car stop beside me. The window roll down and guess who it is.

Luke, the guy who had make me laugh for the first time in this month.

As soon as I saw his face, my mind went through the incident one more time and I chuckled. More like laugh at his face actually.

Luke roll his eyes when he realize I was laughing at him but ignore it and smile sweetly.

"You need a ride home?"

I shook my head while clutching my stomach.

"No thanks. I'm almost home actually. Haha."

"Come on I still wanna give you a ride home."

"Thank you Luke but no." I started walking away when Luke step out of his car, jog towards me and block my way.

"So, let me get this straight. You don't wanna go out with me and you don't want to get in the car with me and you don't want to give me your number?"

I hesitantly nod.


Shoot. Why is this so difficult?

"Uhm I don't know, maybe I just don't feel like it. You're handsome Luke but I'm not someone who would only like a person just because his gorgeous. You know..."

"So you're down with the whole inside beauty huh?"

"I guess you could say that."
I nod.

"Well then I'm sorry I give you that kind of impression but I'm not asking you out just because you're hot which in fact is true but I really like you Sky and I want to get to know you better. Please just give me a chance."

I look at Luke but just can't seem to see the honesty his portraying. If he really didn't care what I look like then he would've ask me out like last year when everyone knows I'm gay instead of now. The more I keep thingking about it, the more angrier I get.

"No thanks but still I'm not interested. I'm sorry Luke but goodbye."

I started to walk when he stop me again.

"Okay, okay, okay. Why don't we just be friends and hang out?"

"No thanks."

I walk away again but this time, he didn't stop me. I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't know being ask out is gonna be complicated. Is it just me or its a common thing.

     When I walk into the room, I jolt in surprised when I saw Josh sitting on the bed with his hand clutch and head down.

"W...what are you doing here? How did you..."

"Get into your room?" Josh interrupt. "I'm not stupid Mason, I just don't give a shit. Anyway, how about we proceed the part where we left?"

Josh walk towards me while taking off his clothes. I back away as fast as I could running towards the door but he was too fast so I end up getting caught in his arms.

Josh was about to take off my shirt when suddenly Sarah knock on the door.

"Hey shithead! Open the door, I wanna talk to you."

She knock again. Josh stop and look at the door and back at me. He lift one of his finger as a gesture for me to not say anything and I nod.

Josh pick up his cloth and went to hide in the closet. 

I steadied myself and open the door.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Why would you lock the door. You watching porn or something? Anyway, I wanna ask you something. Its about Luke Aken."

"Luke Aken?"

"Yeah I heard that the guy ask you out. Is it true?"

I glance at the closet and back at Sarah.

"Yeah...kind of. Why?"

Sarah snorted at my face. She gently hold my shoulder and look at me straight in the eye.

"Well Skylar, I just wanted to let you know that Luke is bisexual but he prefer girls  rather than lame gays like you. So if I were you, I wouldn't even dream of getting anywhere with him and if I ever, ever heard that you go out with him, you wish you wouldn't even born in the first place. You got it?" She push me to the floor and I gracefully fell on my ass.

"Yeah. Sure". I look up to Sarah and nod.

"Good. Have a nice day stuck up in this room faggot." Sarah slam the door shut and I was still on the floor.

I hear the sound of my closet open. I pick myself up from the floor and brush my clothes. If there is one thing that's hurting me right now is that Josh had seen how pathetic my life is that even my own sister had treated me like I'm a piece of shit.

"Luke Aken ask you out?"

Josh were dangerously standing behind me. I can feel his heavy breathing on my ear.

I walk to the front so that when I turn around, I won't be so far up close to him.

"Yeah kinda."

"What did you say to him?" The look on Josh face was terrifying but I still wanted to prove something to him.

"That I'll think about it."

Josh nod his head and look to the ground. His fist clenched and lips thin.


With that he walk to the window and took off.

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