Chapter 5

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Josh Hart

"Dude I'm so pissed right now I wanna punch somebody."

David clenched his fist so hard I could see his knuckles turn white.

"Dude chill." I said trying to calm him down.

     Since he find out his party was trash by 11th grade kids, he can't stop whining about it. What a fucking pussy.

          If I didn't stop him from beating up those kids that night, they would've end up in an ICU or something. David can really be a psycho with his temper sometimes but actually I'm a lot worst. I could actually have the urge to kill someone.

Like seriously fucking kill someone.

The teacher came in with his usual scowl face. God...this people hate their job.

          And as usual,I've never paid any attention. Why would I? I don't have any particular interest or ambition and since I'm gonna own dad million bucks company, the fuck with exam scores.

And as usual my mind would drifted to the blue eyed kid.

I'll admit the guy is more gorgeous than Jessica.

Jessica's beautiful and probably the best girlfriend ever. She's not clingy, hot, and let me fuck her anytime I want.

I really like her.

We've been together for two years now and she's been wonderful.

But all of that seems to change now. Instead of thinking about when Jessica's gonna let me fuck her again, I'm raping the guy in my mind like all the time. Imagining what it would felt like to touch and kiss every single inch of him again. To fuck him senselessly like there's no tommorow. Thingking about it just got me super hard,imagine if it really happen.

Shit! That just make me super horny.

Why the hell am I feeling like this anyway? I have feelings that men should not have for other man. Its wrong and disgusting. I cringed every time I think about fucking other guys. Don't get me wrong, I ain't no homophobic or anything. I'm just not used to the idea of it. I don't have anything against the gay's. They can gay around all they want.

But it's different with the kid. He makes me feel so possessive of him. I saw him this morning at the school front door.

We have one hot night together and I already recognize him just from looking at his back. Pft!

At the time,my body instinctly walk pass him so close that I could smell his scent and since I'm taller than him, I can smell his hair. God he smells amazing. I smiled when I pass by him and feel so fucking stupid.

I don't even know if he remembered me considering his drunk as fuck that night. I don't care. All I know is that I gotta have him whether he knows me or not. The man inside of me screams like crazy telling me to hold and touched him once again. I felt so hopeless cause I don't even know his name.

I was planning to track him down at lunch today and mess around with him. David is gonna track down the kids that trash his party and this would be the perfect reason for me to threathen him.

Yeah I'm not that stupid.

"Dude let's go. What are you waiting for?" Harry pull my shoulders making me step back a little. I look at my phone and type something.

"Why don't you guys go ahead, I gotta do something."

"Like what?" David ask frowning his eyebrows at me.

"Dude just wait for me at the cafeteria ok? I'll be there." I said harshly. David and Harry shrug their shoulders and walk away. I turn my attention to the text and press send.

Its show time.


        My phone vibrated signalling a text message. I took it out from my pocket and frown at the unknown number. I open the message.

Fear filled my hole body as I read through the content.

I know u're one of the amateurs that trash David's party. So if u don't want him to beat the shit out of u, come to the rooftop ASAP. If u don't, HELL!!!

I keep staring at the phone. This can't be happening to me.

"Something wrong? " Jannet ask.


"Uhm are you okay? You look paler than you already are."

"Yeah I'm fine." I stammered nervously. "Can you go to lunch first? I need to do something. I'll see you later." I quickly walk away leaving Jannet who was screaming my name.

This can't be happening. I can feel my body tensed. I walk quickly to the rooftop. When I arrived, I stop at the stairs and take a deep breath.

What if its a trap? What if David and his gang is already there? Oh no. I can't.

But if I don't, it'll get worse. I just want this to end quickly so I open the door and stick my head out first. I scanned the rooftop and saw no one. I slowly get out and walk to the middle.


"Shit,you actually came."

I jumped in suprise when a really deep voice appeared from behind the wall. I push some of the hair in my eyes to take a better look at the person and I cannot believe what I'm seeing.

Its Josh Hart.

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