Chapter 27

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Fucking hell!

Fucking bloody hell!

Fucking bloody hell hole!

Oh my fucking god!

What the fuck is this guy?

An angel from above or something?

My god. Look at those flawless pale skin.

Those rosy pink lips and

Those beautiful sapphire blue eyes and shiny short brown hair.

This man is gonna be the death of me.

I swear of god...if I die, his the only one to blame. But I think that's the fucking problem.

Everytime I look at him or see him smile, I'm not sure if it kills me or brought me back to life.


"Why in the hell would you dyed your hair black?" I glance to look at his new hair. I was so goddamn shock when the barber wash his hair and the water turns black. I thought it was his demon followers or something. Creeps the hell out of me.

His hair is now cut short on the front and back making me feel like I've survive a world war when I can finally look into those blue eyes.

Those eyes that have me hanging in the first place.

"I didn't want anybody to see me." He answered calmly looking out the window.

"Hey look at me when I'm talking to you." I bark. No idea why.

Sky didn't move. How dare this shit ignore me? This guy needs to be punished.

Shit! Dirty thought.

Must...resists...hard on...


"Skyler." He said calmly.


"Its Skyler. My name is Skyler. My dad.." He stops looking hesitated. He blink a couple of time and look outside the window again.

Oh shit. Family drama.

"Your dad's what?"

"Its nothing I guess."

"Hmm." Lets not push it Josh.

"This is not my house." He turn to me.

"Yeah obviously."

"This is your house."

"Don't act stupid Mason. Of course this is my house."

"What am I doing here? I thought you agreed to leave me alone?"

" sucks to be you."

"Please Josh just send me back..."

"Get in the fucking house." I raise my voice pretending to be angry but it seems nowadays, the only thing I felt around him is peacefulness and butterflies?


He hesitated for a second but end up standing in the middle of my bedroom anyways.

"Well don't just stand there."


"Take a seat or somethin'. I'm gonna head downstairs in a minute."

With that I went downstairs and grab a couple of beers and a tin of soda. Some chips I guess. I went back upstairs only to be meet with an awkward Skyler sitting on the sofa.

"So, how you liking the new hair?" I open the soda can and hand it to him.

"My head feels funny." I furrow my eyebrows from the difficult riddle that came out from his mouth.

"Light. You mean you're head feels light, right? Cause 'funny' is a fucked up way to say it."

"Yeah. I guess so."

I shake my head in disbelief and open my can of beer.

"You're dringking." He said which turn something in my stomach. Its like he cared for me. Does he though. He better do.

"Yeah cause I'm a fucking adult."

"Oh okay."

Sky took a sip of his soda and while his at it I was creepily looking at his Adam's Apple. The way the thing move in its own accord when he gulp that soda down his sexy throat and went down his stomach and when everything is properly digest his gonna let it out through his...WOAH!!!

I literally just suprised .myself there. Fuck! since when I'm such a freak?

God damn it!

"I'm sorry." Sky suddenly scream and raise arm to protect his face.

"What? What the hell are you doing?"

" were angry. I didn't mean to spill it on the sofa."

The fuck?

When I look down at his jeans they were soaking wet. When did he spilled the soda?

"I should go home."

Not gonna happen.

"Sit down. I'll get you another pair of pants."

"No I really should go..."

"Mason. I'm not gonna repeat myself. You stay here or I'm gonna strip you bald naked and you won't like what I'm gonna do after that."

Sky open his mouth to say something but close them back when he made the right choice.

I glance at him and enter my walk in closet. Hmmm...what should he wear? I've seen Tiffany wore my clothes before and it was a fucking turn on.

But I'll bet the little guy would make me wet my pants and by wet I mean his gonna make me cum. So hard...and a lot.

I pick a couple of long sweatpants and a navy t-shirt. I walked back to the sofa and throw the clothes at him. What?


Sky hold the clothes close to his chest but doesnt make any movement as he keeps looking at the floor.

"What the hell you waiting for?"

"Bathroom." He said slowly.

I scoffed put loud. Is this guy being serious right now?

" Why? You shy? Just change here Mason, there's nothing to hide anyway. Its not like I don't have it hanging between my legs like you." I looked to dee his reaction and Jesus Christ did that cheek blush so red.

"Here, let me help you." I proceed to help him but Sky instantly got up from the sofa and ran far away to the corner of the room.

"Please Josh. Just show me the bathroom. I'll be quick."

Sky was pleading and as much as I wanted to strip him naked and fuck the shit out him right there, I hold back.

Pretend to have a heart Josh. Cause God knows you fucking don't.

"Fine. You're standing next to it by the way."

As soon as he see the door beside him, Sky rush to open it and went inside. I can hear the lock sound clearly as he lock the door.

Where was I?

Right. Talking about fucking. You guys have any idea when can I fuck him again?


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