Chapter 47

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I walk into the house and a gush of memory lane terrorized my brain. I can't believe nothing's changed here. Of course I've been personally keeping the house to myself but still it's an amazing feeling to actually own a home that I could come back too.

I argued with him about the house and threatened to do a bunch of stupid stuff if he sells it and as always, the area of threatening had always been my area of expertise, I think.

I walk up the stairs and enter the what seems like a haunted room. Everything is still there, my stuff when I first leave. They're untouched but still, I bet the amount of dust and dirt is just incredible. I took off my shirt and walk over to the bathroom to get started on the cleaning. I wet a couple of towel and walk towards the comic book shelves to get started but then when I look closely, they were clean.

Okay, that's not creepy at all.

Someone's been cleaning. I walk around the room and see that everything is clean. No dirt, no dust, nothing. I walk back down the stairs to check on the kitchen and living room.

Its clean. Everything is. That's just weird. Who would come here and clean the whole house? I thought nobody lives here after me.

I was dumbfounded but soon calm down and try to think of some possibilities. It could be Skyler. His the only one I know would do such stupid thing. Cleaning off an empty house. What was he thinking? He must've feel so lonely doing it. He must've feel so dreaded. I was so wrong to ever leave him. I was so wrong to ever love him in the first place.

I grab the hair between my head and try to get rid of the guilt that is burning in my skin, in my body. I scream the pain away and just when I feel like I'm about to pass out, I ran for the stairs. My pills is in the bag. I try to scramble up the stairs but its just pointless. The voices and scary vision in my head were just too vicious, I failed to move. I drop down to the floor with my knees in my chest and tears spilling down my eyes.

This is a normal episode. I've had worst. Like trying to stab myself with a knife because there was no one at home and the voices in my head tells me that it would feel good to just slice my hand with a knife.

Trust me, this is nothing.

I keep shaking and trembling at the bottom of the stairs for a very long time I assume when the most sweetest and beautiful voice called upon my name.

No, not Mother Mary.

"Joshua? Is that you?"

I look up from my hiding only to stumble a familiar face. The beautiful blue eyes that has always haunted my day and night.

"Skyler?" My voice trembling with longing and pain. I blink the tears away and really look at him. "Wha...what are you doing here?" Is the only thing I could muster up and ask.

He look at me with wide eyes as if I just got back from the dead. Then, his blue eyes turn crystals like when he pouted in the most adorable way.

"What are you doing here you jerk!?" He scream in full blown out tears like a 3 year old.

I could only giggled and laugh at him and then I lunge towards him. All my energy and strength suddenly retrieve and I embrace him lovingly. Burying my nose under his neck and inhale the sweet and flowery scent he has. God I love him. I love him with all my heart.

"Let go of me asswipe!" He punch me on the back of my shoulders but it seems more of a loving punch.

"No calls, no text, no nothing. How could you!?" He keep on wailing adorably in my arm and for the longest moment ever, I have never felt so happy. Never felt so alive.

"I love you. I love you so much." I whisper in his ears as I embrace him in my arms more tight, more right.

"I love you too but you're gonna kill the air out of me before we could love again." He said.

I wanted to let go but feel so unsafe if I do so. So, I lean my forehead down to him. Even after 10 years, he still manage to stay so short.

"Look at me." Sky whispers when I still haven't open my eyes to look at him closely.

"I can't."

"Why not?" He held both my face in his soft little hands.

"I'm too scared to wake up from this dream."

"Its not a dream you duff. You're real, you're here."

"But you're not." His not, he couldn't be.

"Hey, hey, look, look at me. I'm here." He nudge my nose and slowly my eyes open to look at him.

His hair turn a little bit darker brown. His face were still soft pale with those plump pink lips. I've notice the maturity he had been gone through all these years. Instead of looking like a high school kid, he looks like a man now. A really beautiful man.

I look at him for the longest time possible and he look at me too. We stare into each other eyes and just keep looking for the loss time we've been gone through.

"Am I real enough now?" He smile at me showing those perfect pearly white teeth.

"You talk too much." I smile back at him.

"And you're an..."

Before he could finish, I devour my lips onto his. Feeling every corner of his mouth. Licking his lips roughly, needful. Filled with burning passion. So hot that I could feel my skin burning.

I crouched down and nibble on his neck hungrily. Skyler moan and squirm under my rough and loving touch. He try to return the favour but I want to feel him and him only.

"Wait, Josh."

"Don't you think we've waited long enough?" I look up to him for a moment before I nibble on his lips and neck again.

He laugh playfully and held my head which were busy rummaging all over his body.

"You're right."

I pick him up as I lead him towards the stairs and try to climb it with him dangling between my hip.

"You're gonna break both of our legs if you're not careful love."

I grin at him but still climb up the stairs into the bathroom as all of my deals with the world vanished through the window just like that.

I drop him on the bed with me on top of him. We devour each other lips and caressed our body together. Feeling the warmth of his body in which I've been dreadfully begging to feel. Now that his here, it feels as if its not real. Like a dream under the stars.

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