Chapter 8

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I don't understand.

I don't know anything and

I'm clueless. I can't imagine anything would be this hard and difficult. I just wanted to crawl under my desk and howl like a werewolf for the terrible headache I'm going through right now.

Why is it have to be like this?

Damn you math!

            I wanted to cry and bawl my eyes out when I can't seem to understand anything that Mr.Richard is teaching. I've always been the top in my class but aperantly math is my worst enemy. Actually its my second enemy cause right now Josh Hart seems to be my worst enemy. I know his all fantasy and prince asshole charming to everyone but not to me.

        I've always hated guys who think highly of them self and think other people that is less than them as low. I know he has this beautiful and sexy demeanor that is worth dying for but I don't care. Looks are not everything.

         After school I have to go to his house again and I don't like it, at all. Why me? Oh right he said that I just happened to trash his friend party without invitation...of course I should be his slave.  


          And now here I am sitting at his desk,in his room,doing his homework and getting nervous if his gonna beat me again. I told him that I had to go to Jannet house after school today and he...I don't remember what he did but I remember it being painful. I think I cry on my walk to his house. He could've drive me to his house with him but no...he decided that my life is not pathetic enough and let me walk on my own.

          All the way here I was crying so hard and people keep looking at me like I'm crazy or something. I was tired, my feet was sore and I can't pity myself more than I already did. I just want this to end. I've never ask for anything in my life but right now, all I want is to just stop.


"What the hell is wrong with your face? Did you go to a funeral or something? "

        He ask when I went inside his room quietly. He was sitting on the sofa playing his video game. I don't know how he could see my face considering my long dark hair but it really annoys me. Does he has anything against my face or something?

"I tripped on the way over. Kinda hurt my leg." I said not looking at him.

         When I proceed to the table I heard him mumble cuss word to me. I've never felt this disgraded before. People had never acknowledge my existence but in all of the people, why does he have to saw me? I hate that.

"Hey fag." He called.

"Yes?" I bluntly answer. Afraid of the consequences if I don't. I'm such a coward.

Josh smirked evily at me. Laughing at my cowardness.

"Go get me a beer in the fridge." He said not looking at me.

I stand from my seat and walk out towards the kitchen. When I went inside, my mouth gape on its own accord.

Geez...this kitchen is as big as my house. I proceed to the fridge which is ridiculously huge. A sudden gush of cold air brush through my face when I opened the fridge.

There were so many food.

Wow. I grabbed the beer inside the right corner and close it back.

I walk back to Josh room when I heard two people talking. I stand in front of the half close door and peaked inside. I saw Josh still sitting on the sofa but I can't quite see the other guy. I walked in towards them and placed the beer on the glass table in front. I didn't look at them and just continue to walk to the homework and started to finish it. I really wanna go home. I feel like I'm being abducted.

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