Chapter 25

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“Uhm...I really can't get up from bed.”

“Don't bullshit with me Mason.”

I stay silent for I seriously don't know what to say. I want to see his gorgeous face and amazing rocking body but...that's all it is. No sparkles or fireworks or anything that make the butterflies in my stomach churn.

Excuse me if I'm a sensitive emotional romancist.

I've always thought that falling in love with someone would be somewhat easy.

You found someone you really like—

someone that ocassionally make your heart skip a beat

someone that make you think that sometimes life is kinda okay

or someone that name you'll remember when the end of the world is happening and all thats left is for the world to crumble. 

Now that I think about it...

That someone...doesn't exist.

Because falling in love and enjoying the person in front of two solid different thing.

“I can't. I don't...I just don't want too.”

“What did you just said?”

Please don't make me repeat something that almost make me wet my pants.


“I don't fucking care Mason!! You better get the fuck out of your bed or I'm gonna...I'm gonna...GOD!!!”

It was silent for a while.

“Uhm...I don't have a car or any kind of transport.” I said sounding like I'm about to burst into tears.

“Whatever...” Josh hang off. Obviously annoyed with me. Oww.

I sigh for god knows how many time.

This is very tiring. How do people with complicated relationship do this?

I guess its not without difficulty.

The next day I was being really careful. I know that they are least chances that Josh and I gonna meet but still...I'm scared out of my mind.

“ okay? You seem...”


“Weird. What's wrong?”

“Nothing.” I shrugged my shoulder and try to stand up straight but apparently fail to do so.

“Ooo...kay...Come on. We're gonna be late for class though... I seriously couldn't care less.” Jannet giggled half heartedly?

“Yeah...yeah you're right.” Jannet and I walk towards class and proceed to our day as usual when the unthinkable thing happen.

I was walking to the bathroom. I know that losers like me shouldn't even use the bathroom in the first place because that is the only place where it is possible that all hell will break lose but I ridiculously feel like bursting in my pants.

As I was nearing the toilet, a hand from no where grip my arm and pull me into a dark room. I panic when Josh turn on the light bulb above us and I keep panicking when I realize how close we were.

He smells really good and his really tall too. Wow.

“Hey...” I said as my armpit getting sweaty and my forehead beads with sweats.

He make me nervous just like any other gorgeous guy does and god forbid me to keep calm.

Josh just stand there and stare down at me. I stare at the floor as my long black hair cover my eyes.

“What are you doing?” Josh ask as he step closer to me.

I step backward.


“I'm asking you what the are you doing, avoiding me and not picking my calls? You're playing with me or something?” Josh spat every word at my face.

This is so not healthy.

“I just...” I fidgeted in my stand. Scare to say every thing that have been playing on my mind. “Ijustdontthink...” I whisper silently.

“What?!” Josh turn to the door as he realize he might had been too loud.

“I don't think I wanna do this anymore.” I said trying to ease my nervous heart.

“You don't wanna do what?” Josh ask as if he didn't hear it in the first place. Jerk.

“I don't...”

Before I could finish any of my sentences, he push me to the wall so hard that I could feel the back of my head went into contact with the concrete.

“Josh...please no, don't.”

Josh stared at me intensely as his nose flares from anger, I guess.

Then he kiss me hungrily.

My lips were wet by his sudden tongue attack as he shove his tongue in my mouth and lick every teeth in every corner.

I was on cloud nine when I realize we've been kissing for a really long time. I push his chest slowly as both of our rapid breathing came into motion.

There was silent for as long as I could remember. Then Josh burst out the door leaving me in my own emotion and confusion.

My heart is beating in a way I've never imagine it would. Its new and very much foreign. I thought I didn't have any feelings for Josh but this is...this is...what is this?

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