Chapter 29

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"I'm not gonna say it twice. Fucking moan my name."

"Josh...please..." He said in silent whimper between breathtaking moans that sound like fucking music to my ear.

I smile because of the satisfaction it gave me.

Sky is something. I don't know what but he make something in me came out. Its not a good feeling at first but god knows whatever it is I fucking love it.


I pick Sky up as both of his feet dangling between my waist. He hold on to my neck tight and we move to the bed. I throw him onto the bed as panic and a hint of red blush resonate his face. Its probably one of the most fucking beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Josh." Sky held up his hand and back away little. "Let's just be reasonable for a moment okay? You don't wanna have sex with me. I'm a loser and you, Josh Hart don't even hang out with people like me right? So why don't we just stop?"

I look to the ground pretending to be rethinking my decision. Nope, not gonna happen.

"Don't get me wrong Mason, you're a loser but still, you're hot so that's fine. Anyway you're right, I don't hang out with losers...I punish them, remember?"

That's it. All of this talking is getting me dirty thought which is making me harder and hornier. I proceed to take my shirts off revealing my perfectly structured abs and broad fucking shoulders.

But the look on Sky's face though. I knew he couldn't resist. No one can resist me. I'm Josh fucking Hart. The school Greek God may I add.

I jump into the bed and with extreme speed, I took off Sky clothes and soon after his bold naked underneath me. Not like last time with his hideous long black hair, now I can clearly see his turn on face which is amazing.

When I his dick, he would slightly open his mouth and close his eyes tight, enduring the pleasure I was giving him. So fucking beautiful.

Me, on the other hand look like I'm sex crazed which I am actually. I can't remember the last time I masturbate and its all because my mind is always occupied with this little shit.

After I his cute tiny dick, I left a trail of kisses along his body. Sky grab and pull my hair tightly. When I hover over him, I kissed him hungrily. Swapping my tongue with him and bitting his lips once in a while but more like bitting his lips a lot actually.

Sky respond to my every gesture leaving him desperate for more. Fu.cking hell, he doesn't even have to suck my dick to get me hard.

I search for condoms on the nightstand and a bottle of lube I buy on the internet last time.

After I had settle with the whole safety shit, I prepared my dick right between Sky's hole. I grip his ass and lift him up as I push my hard dick inside of him slowly.

"Owww..." Sky moan.

"That's it. Just like that baby. Take my big dick." I said calmly as I kept my eyes on the movement of my entering his tight hole.

After that, its history and I have to admit it was a fucking great screwing actually.


Skyler Mason

It had been weeks since Josh last talk to me. After he forcibly screw me, he doesn't even look at me. Its like I don't even exist in the first place.

And as much as I hate to admit it, it hurt. I didn't ask to feel this way but somehow I do. I'm hurt. A lot. Hurt that everything he said is nothing but a bunch of insult and hurt how I had been a fool to think that Josh Hart would even the slightest would actually like me.

The people you care is the one who will hurt you the most.

I just remember some stranger saying that.

But do I care for Josh? I kinda have a crush on him but I never really think that I would actually cared for him. Not when his always insulting and yelling at me.

I let out a sigh of desperation as I realize how pathetic I have been. Its like there's no end to this sad life I'm living in.

Should I avoid Josh like how I had always avoid everyone?

Talking about everyone, it seems that my sad life have never been more sadder than it is when suddenly everyone wants to be my friend. Even the gay guys starting to notice me and some of them even ask me out. But of course I said no. They like me only because I look better than I was and because they only like me for what I look like. For me, that is a very sad life.

Its really sad because they only like you because you have something to offer to them. Same as Josh I presume.

Jannet haven't stop rambling about something for the past couple minutes but still its not impossible to hear her in the cafeteria. Its lunch break and everyone is in their own state of mind when suddenly someone pull up a chair and sit down beside me.

The guy is kinda gorgeous though. With spiky blond hair and ice blue eyes, he could almost be compared to Josh but of course, Josh would win.

"Hey." He said smilling at me with a face that I'm sure could charm many people. I didn't want to be rude so I said hi back.

"I'm Luke. Luke Aken. You're Skyler right?"

I nod.

"Nice meeting you. Say, you have anything to do this weekend?" He ask looking me straight in the eyes.

I scratch the back of my neck and hesitated on answering. I'm sure the purpose of him asking is because he want to ask me out but I just don't feel like doing anything on the weekend. After a very tired weekdays, all I want to do is sprawled in my bed and pass out for the whole day.

"Actually, I already have a plan. My family's going camping."

"Oh cool, mind if I tag along? I've always love camping. My dad and I always go camping near the hill on the end of the town."

"Uhm...I'm not sure. I don't think that's possible cause you know, its family time and everything so...yeah."

Jannet gave me a knowing look and I just stared blankly at Luke. Not sure what to do.

"Oh okay. Its fine but I'll call you next time k?"

"Oh? O...kay I guess...?"

"Cool, can I have your number?" He ask raising his eyebrows as he wait in anticipation.

What the?

After a while, my mind get caught with the hilarious situation that this guy is going and soon I laugh out loud.

This shouldn't be funny and I'm not suppose to laugh but I really don't know if his joking or being real and that thought alone is hilarious.

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