Chapter 20

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           After a very, very long one hour drive, Josh park his car outside a small and secluded diner. I read the colorful neon board on top of the diner's which wrote 'Marley's Dine.' Josh get out of his car and I soon follow.

They weren't so many people but a few of average old people. It was quiet and peaceful. Just how I always like it. I can see how Josh made his point about being embarrassed. He walk to the end of the table with his head down and sit facing the wall, away from people seeing his face.

He wore a black jacket and blue navy shirt inside which hug his muscular body perfectly. His jeans were a little bit tight but loose enough to show off his long leg and tease any admired eyes.

As soon as I sat in front of Josh, a waitress in her late 40's came to the table and take our orders.

“What can I get you boys?”

Josh look at the menu as he decides on something. I make my desicion and gave her my order. After a while, Josh gave his order and the waitress went back to the kitchen.

I turn to look at Josh but strangely he is looking outside the window. Its like his avoiding me. I wonder if he realized that I came with him.

“So...” I said. My voice were soft and gentle because of the quiet environment. “What did you wanted to talk about?”

Josh suddenly turn his attention towards me as his dark eyes pierce into mine but soon enough, I glance away. Not being able to handle the intensity his presence behold.

Suddenly, a thought flash through my mind.I wonder if he remember about our first time together. I never forget about it. I thought about it every night and at every possible chance I could. The scenes were buried deep into my mind as I played it over and over again. I still can't believe I had sex with him.

For me it was kinda...I don't know...beautiful? Being it my first time and everything. But I guess its the opposite case for him. I bet he would be disgusted. Maybe that's why he did what he did. He didn't like it.

Somehow the thought had continue to bothered me  without control. Goddamn it. Why does he have to he so god-like.

I wake up from my daydream when I heard Josh say something. “Excuse me what?”

Josh took in a deep breath, annoyed that he have to repeat the question again.

“I asked you if you practice any satanic ritual and all that shit.”

My mouth slightly opened upon hearing Josh question.  Why would I practice with Satan if I can't even go to the bathroom at night without bothering grandma. Yes ladies and gentleman, I'm a sissy.

I try to came up with a reasonable and simple answer that would convince Josh.


“How about Voodoo's?” Josh squint his eyes a little bit. Shit.

I shake my head.

“Then why the hell you dress all black for?”

I keep my head down as Josh husky voice seems like it would went up the roof at anytime. “I just like black.” I whisper enough for him to hear.

“Whats wrong with other colors? You know what...” Josh put up his hand in surrender. “I don't wanna know. Anyway back to topic. I don't know what you did to me, but you need to fix it and I mean fucking fix it.”

My face hold the same expression as my brain progress through the ridiculous statement Josh made.


“This...” Josh gesture his hand towards him but didn't finish as the waitress brought both of our food to the table.

“Here you go boys. Enjoy.” She said boringly.

I can see that Josh were trying his best to hold in what he was gonna spit out.

“Eat up.” He command.

As soon as I finish my food, Josh get up and went to the counter to pay. What the...

I quickly get out from the chair and walk out the door first. Josh soon came out and went to his car. I do the same and in no time we were on the road again, driving back home.

I look at the dashboard clock which shows 8:47 p.m. I didn't bother asking Josh anymore question. I were too annoyed to even acknowledge his presence.

Why would he ask me about Satan ritual and vodoo? A sudden realization attack the  corner of my mind and I turn my head towards Josh. Josh had his calm but nerving face as I kept staring at him and wonder how more stupid he could be.

“What?!” He spat.

“You thought I curse you don't you?” I said calmly not letting my inner anxiety and anger out.

“Well yeah. You did didn't you? No wonder I get all interest... ” he stops. His face scrunch in confusion as word fail to come out from his mouth.

“Fix it.” Josh said sternly.

“I can't.”

“Why not?”

“Because I didn't do any of that stuff.”


I remain silent as Josh drives in anger. I look at the road and notice. Wait...this isn't the way...

“Where are you going?” I ask panicked.

“Just shut up.” Josh make a turn through a dark and narrow road which make my adrenaline burst.

“Please don't kill me. I swear I never practice those kind of things. I swear. Jesus Christ Josh, please...”

“Look I'm not gonna kill you so just chill okay?!” After a few minutes, his car came to a stop and in front of me were probably the most beautiful lake I've ever seen.

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