Lucky (xSpy)

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You were running down the beautiful streets of your hometown, you had promised your friends that you would be at the movies 10 minutes ago.
Unfortunately, you had a hard time picking out a decent outfit, making you flail your arms around as you frantically ran around the house getting ready.

So here you were, running desperately while texting your friends that you were "almost there"---until a sudden beep of a car caught your attention.

You quickly looked up from your cellphone to see a man in a taxi smiling and waving at you.

"Need a lift miss?"

You tried to catch your breath as you nodded and quickly got into the cab.
After telling the friendly taxi driver your destination, you let out a deep sigh of relief, and as you inhaled, you took in a scent of a deep, rich scent of cologne filled your nose.

'Huh, it smells really nice in here!'

You thought to yourself as you looked at the taxi driver. The scent wasn't strong enough to be coming from him, and yet it wasn't weak enough for you to forget it. The taxi driver caught you staring at him. As he shifted in his hawaiian shirt, he asked you a question.

"So.. you got a boyfriend or something?"

Wha?? Was he trying to hit on you??

"Um.. no..."

The driver took a glance at your uncomfortable expression, and chuckled.

"Haha, nah, nothin' like that miss. I didn't mean to sound foward or anythin'"


You sat back in your seat, relieved.

The taxi driver smiled at your reaction and continued,

"Well it just seems like you're the popular type."

You tilted your head in confusion, you weren't unnoticable or anything but you weren't exactly a pop star. You were about to open your mouth to say something but the sudden halt of the cab stopped you.

You were about to pay for the taxi fee when the driver suddenly put his hand up as he shook his head with a grin.

"Nah, it's on the house."

With that, he drove off leaving you pleasantly confused, you snapped out of it when your cellphone vibrated.

"Ach! I'm coming guys!!"


Your friends were teasing you relentlessly about being late as you went into the movie theater, walking in, the warm buttery smell of popcorn wafted through the air, with your friends chattering alongside you, you felt giddy and excited.

One of your friends pulled your arm, pointing to a movie poster,

"(Y/n)!! Let's watch that!!"

You smiled, nodding as you pulled out your wallet to pay for the ticket, when suddenly a blue coupon fell out of your (F/c) wallet.


You picked the coupon up and read the letters on it outloud.

"Free movie ticket??"

Your friends were surprised, as were you. You were pretty sure it wasn't there before..

"Whoa, where'd you get that (Y/n)?"

"Cooool you're so lucky!! Movie tickets are so expensive these days!"

Your friends surrounded you giggling and chatting while you just stared at the coupon bewilderedly. A man in a pinstriped suit was chuckling to himself as he watched you from afar.

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