The Past (xMedic) (xSniper)

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---Author's Note---

Requested by the one and only, fabulous..!! ChikaMC!☆☆☆

It had been 9 months since you've started dating your boyfriend. His 5 'o clock shadow added a rugged look to his features, and his crocodile teeth necklace hinted at his wilder ways. His accent was no smoother than his overall look.

But none of these could hide the loving twinkle he held in his eyes.

He would caress you, gazing into your eyes as he would grasp your hands, leading you on some sort of crazy adventure he would cook up the day before.

Everything he did seemed to wipe your sorrows away. It made everything better, even after what had happened.

"He never seemed to have time for me"

It was the only thing you said before dropping the subject of your ex.

Despite the lack of context, Mick understood and knew that something much more painful than absense caused you to leave your former lover.

And he was determined to fill the lonely gap in your life.


The long car drive confused you. Mick said that he would take you out to meet his friends. But in the middle of the desert?

'Maybe they're all hunters too"

You merely shrugged the knawing curiousity off. You were about to meet them anyways.

Mick flashed a crocodile grin over at you.

"We're gettin' close luv, won't be long now. Just ovah that cactus ovah there"

You peered over, and saw nothing but canyons and cactus and.. nothing.

"Ok, if this is one of your crazy schemes..."

"No no no..! not this toime luv"

"And you're not going to joke that the cactus over there is your friend?"

Mick laughed.

"Oi promise"

You smiled at each other. Mick stretched his right hand out for you and you held his hand as he drove between the canyons.

"Mick...? What's.. there's nothing here!"

"Well about that.."

He started driving towards a giant wall of stone.

"Remembah how Oi told ya Snipin' was a good job?"

He drove straight through the wall. It happened so fast you didn't even have time to scream.

It turns out it was just a clever disguise, and behind it was a huge fortress, hidden from the outside world, surrounded by stone walls.

Mick saw your awestruck face and held your hand.

"Oi'm a mercenary for RED. An' Oi get to snoipe to moi heart's content"

With a smile, Mick gently lead you out and took you to the fortress.

"Well! This is where we live!"

You took a look around.

High ceilings towered over the base. Lazy fans would hum overhead, and the cracked walls gave a rugged feeling that reminded you of your boyfriend.

There was an old dart board along with a pool table. Several poker chips were scattered across a round table and a few men were playing some poker.

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