Promise (xMedic)

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---Author's Note---

Requested by RiptideApprentice, and seconded by TatjanaMirkovic and YouReadMyUsername!

I'll try to make it as sweet as chocolate TatjanaMirkovic! ^^

Also, don't expect an update on Secrets.. I'm not planning on updating it, maybe I will but not anytime soon!


That's how you felt.

As if life had left your body, you felt like a shell of a person long gone.

It was true in a sense, your body was terribly wasted.. battered from the long battle between you and your illness.

Like a wilted flower, you felt drained. You were not sure if the bags of clear and strange liquid was actually making progress on your recovery, or leeching the life out of you.

Pale and thin, your skin stretched over your bones, your hair britsled and barely kept.

You looked around your private room weakly.

Everything was white.

The hospital gown you wore constantly.. the furniture, the walls, floors.. and especially the blinding sunlight. It was all white.

A small spring breeze blew through the almost transparent curtains.

You have felt an empty peace in your sickbed. It was long ago that you had accepted that you may never see the world outside. Tears, screams and weeping were now merely a monument to the past now. You hardly remembered what it felt like to be sad anymore.

You were tranquil, there was no emotion inside you anymore.

Only emptiness.

Perhaps you have mistaken your absense of emotion as peace.

But it did you good, you could feel no pain of heart.


A knock was heard, and you slowly turned your head.

Mrs.Gardenia, the nurse who took care of you the most, came in with a smile.

"How are you feeling today sweet heart?"

You smiled and nodded. You both knew the answer to that question. After all, it's been the same answer for 2 years now.

Mrs.Gardenia seemed rather excited today. Something that piqued your curiousity.

"(Y/n)! We have a special guest that flew all the way from Germany just to see you! Isn't that something?"

You tilted your head. Germany? Now this was something new. Various doctors came from far off places to help you, but none ever came from such a distant land.

"When should I expect to see him?"

The old nurse was happy to see your curiousity. It had been so long since she had last seen you interested in anything at all.

"Whenever you're ready dearest! He came a few days ago and is now ready!"

You folded your hands neatly on your lap.

"I'm ready Mrs.Gardenia"

She smiled and went off to get the doctors.


"Ah there she is!"

Dr.Walton and Dr.Heilbuger walked in the room. The two doctors were good friends from Tuefort, and it was Dr.Walton who called his friend over to meet his patient.

"She's completely drained of energy. Nothing we do seems to help her! Perhaps you could take a look at her old friend?"

The doctors walked in with Mrs.Gardenia following from behind.

Dr.Heilburger walked in the small room. The sunlight spilled onto the small figure lying in bed, and bathed her in white light.

And when he saw her face he was left breathless.

Half of (y/n)'s body seemed to fade away in the sunlight, almost if she was a shy nymph, hiding away as she basked in the sun with shining eyes.

He nearly hitched his breath when she turned to face him.

"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you sir"

Dr.Heilburger merely nodded. Swallowing hard.

"Ah, (y/n)! This is Dr. Heilburger! A good friend of mine who came all the way from Germany just to see you!"

She nodded politely and spoke quietly.

"I'm quite honored"

Dr.Walton gave a smile.

"Well, we're just here to see how you're doing, and just to do our daily check ups"

With a nod, (y/n) faced Dr.Heilburger.

He immediately started a check up, and studied her.

After some basic check ups, Dr. Heilburger frowned and backed away.

"Ah, vell.. (y/n), it seems zhat.."

"I'm not getting better am I?"

(Y/n)'s blunt remark made an uncomfortable silence in the room.

"Vell doesn't seem-"

"How long will I live?"

The room fell silent.

Mrs.Gardenia cut in.

"Oh sweetheart, it's not nessesary to be asking such things, we've made some progress! you've gotten much better than last time remember?"

You stared at the nurse before turing away again.

"I.. suppose.."

The two doctors only could gaze at you sadly.

"Uh... well (y/n)? Dr. Heilburger and I will have some words before we start a new treatment on you, and we'll see how it goes from there, alright?"

You nodded and slowly closed your eyes.

"I'm sorry but I'm getting sleepy again.."

With that, the doctors bid goodbye and left, while Mrs. Gardenia stayed behind to tuck you in bed.

"I'm sorry Joseph.. she didn't use to be so.. straightfoward about these matters..."

Dr.Walton sighed.

"She seems so empty now. Always having her head elsewhere, she doesn't show any trace of emotion anymore.. I begin to fear the worst.."

"Don't vorry, I'm sure ve vill succeed. Zhe new antibotic will help imensely. And I zhink she is strong enough to vithstand zhe transplant..."

And the doctors walked away, discussing their plans.


"Oh? Surgery?"

And before you knew it, you were put on a small prohibiton from food and water.

"Ve vill be replacing your heart vith a new one, it's from a kind donor, and ve zhink it vill function properly"

And soon enough, you were taken into the operation room, with foreign machines beeping around you along with strange bags of liquid circling around you.

You felt no fear. It was not your first time here.

'And probably not my last..'

And with that, you closed your eyes.

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