Mountains (xSpy)

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---Author's note---

I'm terribly sorry for the late update my darlings.. I had someone close go through a very difficult operation. Thankfully everything turned out well!

Also, this story will be extremely painful to read. I wonder how many of you can finish this..!!

Idea and request by CrystalWarriorXIII!

"This mission mostly requires stealth. So we'll be sending the two of you to retrieve the intelligence."

You froze at Miss Pauling's words.

"So.. it's just me and Spy..??"

Miss Pauling looked through her clip board.

"Let's see.. Since the rest of the team can't fight without the information we can get from that suitcase... hmmm...."

You nervously glanced toward Miss Pauling.

"Yup! you'll be the only ones going."

Miss Pauling misunderstood your face of shock.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe. That cabin is seluded and you most likely won't face any combat face to face since you're both spies."

You gave a weak smile and nodded.

After exchanging goodbyes, Miss Pauling went on her way, leaving you and Spy in the room alone.

You felt a knot in your stomach forming. You bit your lower lip.

You were going to be alone with Spy.

His presence alone had always made you flustered. He had an air of sophistication, something about him made you hold your breath, making you desperately try to act normal.

It didn't help that you were also a spy.
The guys would always make jokes about the two of you together.

You always felt nervous.. almost frightened when you were near him. He made you feel weak.. and that handsome face didn't really help..

You shook your head inwardly at the thought and you nervously tried to shuffle away.


You froze at the frenchman's voice.

"Y-yes Spy..?"

Your face turned white as you turned your head slightly towards him.

"So.. I suppose we shall be togezher for quite some time. Non?"

You stared at your feet and nodded.

"I look forward to working with 'ou on zhis mission"

Tensing up, you nodded again and walked out of the room awkwardly.

'Shit shit shit!!!!'


The day that you dreaded dawned upon you. Two whole weeks together with the one man you couldn't even bear to stay with for one moment.

As if to mock your situation, the cabin you were assigned to stay in was located in the heart of the winter mountains, cut off from any human contact.

You silently hoped for a miracle.

The two of you headed towards the cabin with suitcases loaded with various equipment and other nessesscities. Treking through the woods, you desperately tried to keep up with Spy as he somehow managed to gracefully stride through the uneven terrain.

You slipped several times, making Spy look back to check on you. He gave a concerned glance every time he did. You would turn beet red, and waved him off, trying in vain to convince him that you were ok.

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