Fountain (xMedic)

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----Author's note----
Oh my gosh This is getting harder to write, I really need some new ideas. Please request away~!☆

A chilly autumn breeze ruffled your hair, smiling to yourself, you tried to keep your hair from looking like a tangle of barbed wire. The pigeons you were feeding gave out soft coos and fluttered around you, some even perched on your shoulder.

Sitting alone with the pigeons, you were in the quiet square of the park you loved. The place was beautifully paved with white stone, a lonely autumn breeze blew lightly, the scent of fallen leaves and pine cones tinted the crisp clear air, and a frantic cry rang out through the area.

" Geh weg Ich habe nichts jetzt!!!"

You quickly turned your head to the source of the sudden shout, and saw a man with glasses being chased by a hoard of doves and pigeons.

He tripped and the hoard covered him completely. The man was lost in a flurry of grey and white feathers.

You quickly emptied the paper bag of bird feed you were using, and instantly the birds flew before you and started pecking away at the ground madly.

You walked over to the man, with a red face, he was breathing heavily, his glasses were knocked slightly askew, and his hair was ruffled.

"You alright?"

Holding out your hand, the man grasped it and got up gingerly.


He dusted himself off and gave a deep breath. Smiling, you looked up at his face.

"Those birds can be quite a handful at times huh?"

The man gave a short laugh and nodded his head in agreement.

"Ach.. verdammt birds, zey are alvays asking for more food!"

He looked over the hoard of pigeons and with a stern fatherly voice cried out,

"Archimedes! It'z time to go home now!!"

The two of you stood in silence as you both watched the hoard still pecking for bird feed.

The man cleared his voice and called again.


You stared at him, slowly starting to question his state of mind. Seeing the look you were giving him, he became embarrassed. The man turned red and called out,

"Archimedes jou get back here right now!!"

Suddenly a beautiful dove flew straight into your face, and you were blinded by a pair fluttering white wings.

"Akfighsk get off!!!"

"Archimedes!! Was tust du!!?!"

You closed your eyes, and the fluttering sound of frantic wings was replaced by a soft coo on your head. You slowly opened your eyes and found a pair of beady eyes looking straight into yours. The bird was perched comfortably on your head.

"Ach, mein apologies, he usually doesn't mizbehave so much!"

He tried to take the dove off your head but Archimedes pecked his hand and seemed to perch even deeper into your hair.

Chuckling, you looked up again.

"Aww, do you like it up there that much?"

A happy coo answered you and Archimedes slowly closed his eyes in comfort.

The german was clearly displeased with his pet, and scoffed.

"Ach, birds!"

You giggled and decided to lighten his mood.

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