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---Author's Note---

Congradulations MarkipliersGF!
I hope you enjoy this story! ^_^
Also, the song for this story is up above! Check it out!

The thundering sounds of hooves slowly came to a halt, and Brooke lifted her head up high.

Her emerald-golden eyes sparkled as she took a good look around her surroundings.

She and her horse stood in an enormous field, and flowers were spread around like freckles on a child's face. The sun shined down like a warm embrace, and beautiful colors swirled around with butterflies dancing along the sweet spring breeze.

The brown horse pawed the ground, and shook it's head, making the white patch on his head looking like a small blur.

Brooke laughed.

"You want to roll around cinnamon?"

The horse neighed playfully, and with another laugh, Brooke undid his saddle.


Cinnamon grazed lazily in the distance, with Brooke laying down, with her arms behind her head like a pillow.

Her cowboy hat on her head provided enough shade for her to close her eyes comfortably, and Brooke slowly started to drift off into sleep.

And all of a sudden, the soft strumming of a guitar woke her up.

"And love.. such a silly game we play"

She looked behind her, and under the shade of a giant tree, stood a man playing his guitar as he sang softly.

"Like a summer's day in may! What is love? what is love?"

Grinning, she got up and walked towards the man.

"Ah just want it to be love"

She watched his strum the strings on the old guitar, aged with years of melodies embedded in the wooden frame.

The man smiled and looked up.

"Well howdy there miss! What's a beauty like yourself doin' out here all alone?"

Brooke giggled.

"Out horse back riding"

The man chuckled.

"Ain't ya a cutie? What might yer name be?"

"Heh.. It's Brooke"

"Well you can call me 'Dell' darlin'! You'll probably need somethin' to call me, seeing that we'll be seeing each other often"

Brooke frowned in confusion.

"We will?"

Dell gave a sly grin.

"Well I know for a fact tha' honeybees don't stray too far away from flowers"

And with that, he took out a freshly picked bouquet of flowers, handing them towards Brooke.

Giggling and blushing like mad, she took the bouquet from Dell.

"Ya look mighty cute when yer all red like that sweetheart!"

Cinnamon neighed in the distance, pawing the ground again.

"Cinnamon? What's wrong?"

Walking towards the Cinnamon, Brooke saw that he was itching for another run.

"Ah, wanna go out again?"

The horse neighed, and Dell shortly followed after, and scratched behind his ears.

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