Unicorn (xPyro)

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People were screaming and running out of the factory. Firefighters were doing what they could but the fire seemed to grow every time they tried to hose it down. Utter chaos was being unfolded before your eyes.

Why were you watching all this?


You were passing the area in your car when all the fire trucks stopped you, and you were forced to pull over to make way for the fire fighters and ambulances.

'I hope no one gets hurt...'

Thankfully all of the people managed to get out of burning building, and no one was seriously hurt. But the factory was completely engulfed in flames, and nothing seemed to be able to stop it. Everyone had evacuated, people were scarce now, the fire fighters were waiting for back up, and the road became unblocked, so you were about to get into your car when suddenly you heard a muffled laugh.

You stopped dead in your tracks and listened carefully.

The sounds of sirens screaming and the frantic scrambling of people rang throughout the area. How did you hear such a thing?

You shook your head and decided you had just started hearing things when the laughter started again.

There was no denying it. The low muffled laughter seemed to lurk around you. You turned. All you saw was the burning factory. Looking closely, you saw an open door.

Black smoke was billowing out and sparks of ember cackled inside.

Something inside seemed to call you, beckoning you to come closer. You couldn't see anything but you were somehow drawn to the flames. As if you were in a trance, you walked closer and closer, like a moth following a light.

Being so focused with your task, you didn't even hear the firefighters shouting at you. One of the firefighters tried to stop you, you slowly turned to look at him when suddenly a pair of black gloved hands pulled you into the burning abyss.

A rush of hot air blasted into your face, and the pair of hands guided you down deeper into the burning factory. You couldn't see anything, and all you could do was let yourself be dragged away.

The stranger stopped aruptly, and you slowly opened your eyes. The both of you stopped at the center of the factory, you gasped and gazed at the scene around you.

Large metal columns were glazed with different colors of fire, shards of broken glass reflected light that danced around, and fire roamed across the ceiling. The fire, combined with the metal columns, almost looked like a magical burning forest.

Sparks flew around the air like fireflies, and the ashes covered the floor felt like soft black sand.

You stood still, looking around in wonder and joy. The person who brought you here started laughing with glee, you turned to look at the stranger.

'He' had a gas mask on, every inch of his body was covered. Wearing a suit on with matching gloves and boots, he had a flame thrower on his back.
The suit he was wearing was blackened and charred with soot and burn marks. He looked mysterious and the smell of smoked wood added a certain dangerous feeling around him. You both gazed into each other's eyes for a while, fire crackling behind the two of you.

He slowly took something out of his pockets. You came closer to see what he had. He cupped his hands together, and you saw he had a handful of ashes, and in the middle of it, some sat a round object. It had a unicorn carved into it, and it glinted in the dim light.

Without saying a word, it felt like he was speaking to you. He wanted you to do something..

You looked around and saw a lighter on the ground, carefully you brought it up and showed him what you found.

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