Fountain 2 (xMedic)

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----Author's note----

Requested by VexDeathmoon!
Thank you for reading my stories dear readers!☆☆

Fluffing your hair a bit, you looked into the mirror and checked yourself. You looked wonderful! All ready for your dinner date with Joseph. A sudden knock at your door startled you. You quickly grabbed a coat and hand bag and ran up to the door.

Joseph stood there, dressed up nicely with a shy grin on his face.

"Good evening Fräulein (y/n)."

You giggled.

"It's nice to see you again!"

He offered you his hand and helped you off the stairs from your front door. Walking up to his car, you felt like something was missing.

"Where's Archimedes?"

He chuckled and opened the car door for you.

"I left him back at home. It's his bedtime anyvays."

The both of you exchanged small talk as Joseph drove you to a fancy resturaunt.

The resturaunt was glowing with a golden light. A giant chandelier glistened from above, and tall majestic windows showed a beautiful view outside. Lush red velvet carpets covered the dark wooden floors. The small clinking of silver ware and a low sound of people chatting along with the sounds of violins and cello playing made the place complete.

You were surprised at what a fancy place this was, and couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. The two of you sat down at a table and a waiter came by and gave you both some menus.

You ordered your favorite dish and started talking again.

"So, any flocks of birds chasing you again?"

Joseph gave a embarrassed chuckle.

"Vell, actually-"

He was interupted by a giant woman who accidently bumped into him as she made her way into her seat. A man in a fedora with aviators along with a boy in a baseball cap and a man with dark skin with an eyepatch shuffled after her and they all sat down at a table next to yours.

"Oh! Misha- uh, Michelle is very sorry!"

A giant man badly dressed up as a woman had makeup smeared over 'her' face. A cheap wig sitting on the top of her head made her look ridiculous. The man in the fedora grinned and the boy in the baseball cap took off his cap and blew his bubblegum. The dark man looked through the menu, apparently looking at the wine section before dinner.

Joseph looked at them in shock, and you curiously watched his expression.

"Oh! Medic! I didn't see ya there mate!"

The man in the fedora (with terrible acting) cried cheerfully and acted like he just saw Joseph.

Joseph had his jaw drop in shock, and merely stared back in fear.

"Mein gott, vhat are jou all doing here?!"

Misha, or Michelle as she said, gave a majestic giggle and slapped Joseph's back.

"We come on anniversary date! It is already many years since Sniper get married to Michelle!"

Sniper and Michelle both looked at each other grinning, and they turned to grin at the two of you too.

"'Ello there mate! We're medic's close friends! Sorry for the late introduction!"

Sniper shook your hand and Michelle waved at you.

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