Conga (xMedic)

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----Author's note----

Hey everyone! Happy new years! I hope you all have a good time and enjoy the story!

Requested by TatjanaMirkovic!

"Alright everyone! Welcome to Diana's Conga dance class!"

You gave a huge inward sigh at yourself. You just lost to the biggest bet that you and your friend had ever made.

Of course you thought you were sure your friend would never jump into the fountain at the mall and swim like a synchronized swimmer. But it turns out she did.

Losing the bet, you now held the duty to take conga dance lessons from the local culture center for a month, and a week long ban from the mall.

This was rather devestating for you. Not only did you have to pay for the entire dance class but you also had to meet new people!! Your shy nature found this news terrifying.

You looked around you. Most of the people who applied for this class were the elderly.

You looked to your right and saw a old grandpa with a white mustache look at you.

He winked.

Mortified, you looked ahead at the dance instructor.

"Alright everyone! We're here to learn the conga! Do any of you have some experience?"

Many of the old women giggled to each other and the old men just laughed shaking their heads.

"Alrighty then! Don't worry! That's why we're here right? To learn and have fun! So let's get started!"

The dance instructer paired everyone up, and you were paired up with the old man who winked at you. Since you were so shy you found it hard to even stand next to him.

The old man chuckled and patted you on the shoulder.

"Looks like it's just you and me sweet heart! Names Morrice by the way!"

You nodded weekly back at him and looked away.


A few days had passed and you got used to the conga classes. Hanging out with the elderly wasn't so bad! They were really friendly and kind. You also became good friends with Morrice, it turned out he was just a goofball, and the two of you were the best conga dancers in the class.

Everything was quite normal until the dance instructor came in with a man.

He was tall with broad shoulders with smooth hair and tidy clothes. He had round glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, giving him a look like a scholar or doctor. His face was beautifully carved. He had a stern atmosphere around him, and you couldn't help but wonder why such a man would come here.

He stood in front of the class looking quite nervous and unsure of himself.

Morrice lightly punched your shoulder and whispered.

"What's a nerd like him doin' here? We're too cool for him!"

You laughed and pushed Morrice away.

"He does seem a bit too uptight to be here though.."

"Uptight? That just doesn't cover him! I've seen lamp posts that look more flexible than him!"

You had to bite your finger from laughing, and pushed Morrice away again.

"Alright class! Meet Joseph Heilburger! He's from Germany and he'll be joining our dance class from now on! Let's show Joseph a warm welcome!"

Everyone clapped and cheered, and the elderly women fangirled like crazy.

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