Sore (xTentaspy)

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---Author's Note---

Requested by stargazor!

Spots of sunlight poured in the hidden cave, the light shimmered on the water, emmitting a turquoise light that sparkled like diamonds.

Your friend took his place in his usual pool, and you sat on a pile of rocks, unpacking your things.

"Okay, so I got... some wine, uh.. that cheese that was on sale.. some leftover beef steak, cupcakes..."

"What happened to 'our hand pétit?"


Your friend pointed to your right hand. It was heavily bandaged.

"Oh.. this?"


"Hey Scout! Wanna do the most EPIC high five ever?!"

"You mean like dat adventure time episode?! I'm in!!"

You and Scout both dipped your hands in gasoline, attatching matches and sand paper on your hands. You two gave mighty war cries as you both raised your hands and...

+Flashback end+

You smiled sheepishly and continued unpacking your picnic basket.

"Uh.. I got in a little accident..?"


The former BLU Spy peered at your face, and you looked away in embarrassment.

"But why did zhe RED Medic leave 'our wounds untended? Surely he must 'ave-"

"Oh no no no he's just a little busy that's all!"

You grimaced at the scolding you and Scout receieved from the German a while ago.

Spy shrugged and let it go.

"Anyways! Anything new happen today?"

The Frenchman snorted.

"Is zhat a trick question?"

You mentally face palmed yourself.

How could anything new happen to a tentacle man stuck in a hidden cave anyways?

You smiled to yourself as you finished unpacking the picnic basket as you remembered what happened a few months back.


You were the RED team's (class name), which meant that of all classes, Spies were the most dangerous to you.

You and the BLU Spy were constantly on each other's throats, cursing and sneering at each other, killing and shooting.

Then one day the BLU Spy seemed to vanish.

If you hadn't taken that hike near that lake, you would've missed the BLU Spy, left for dead with his body terribly mutated.

And despite your differences, you helped him find a safe place to stay, and would bring back small picnics to keep him well nutured, along with small trinkets and oddities to keep him sane.

And since he seemed to be on the run from his teammates, you were both friends ever since.

"Oh, zhere iz one thing, I finished zhat book 'ou gave me"

You gave him a wide grin.

"Did you like it?"

He gave a troubled sigh, and handed the book back to you.

"I zhought it would be about an color blind artist or something of zhe sort.. It seems zhat I was mislead."

You gave a laugh as Spy handed you back the copy of fifty shades of grey.

"If I was not stuck 'ere with absolutely nothing to do, I would 'ave thrown it away"

"Aw..! And here I thought you would like it! Since you're a dirty Frenc- ow!"

You grimaced and clutched your ankle.


Spy slithered towards you.

"Are 'ou alright pétit?"

You groaned.

"No..! Aghh I feel so sore..!!"

Spy gave a click of his tongue.

"'Ou've been been too reckless as of late mon ami. Didn't 'ou say 'ou also hurt 'ourself a few days back?"

You bit your cheek. He was right, you have been a rough housing, mischeivious, sandwich stealing mercenary this past week.

"Ok.. maybe I have been a bit reckless.."

Spy watched you sit gingerly by the pool, examining your ankle.

"And 'ou seem quite tense too. Perhaps 'ou need a massage?"

You looked up.

"Actually, yeah! My muscles have been a little sore lately"

You turned around and sighed.

"Alright! Paint my nails while you're at it!"

Spy chuckled and drew closer.

Giving a sigh of contentment, you closed your eyes, prepared to relax.

You gave a yelp when you felt a tentacle on your shoulder instead of a hand.

"Spy! What the fuck!!"

Spy merely chuckled and lifted you into the air.

"'Ave 'ou forgotten pétit? I am not human anymore, and zhese tentacles will 'elp me find zhe sore parts on 'our  body"

You tried to glare at him, but you were held up into the air, being held up by several tentacles.

"Spy!! That sounds so dirty!! Put me back down!!"

Spy smiled.

"In a moment mon ami"

He then cracked your heads sideways.


You didn't even have time to scream when Spy worked on your back.


Every bone in your body seemed like it was getting rearranged. He twisted your limbs and rubbed them down, stretching you out like some kind of licorice.


With a final crack, he put you down on the rock you sat on earlier and sank deeper into his pool.

He gazed at you with a sly grin.

"'Ow do 'ou feel now pétit?"

You coughed, and with a groan you sat up.

"Uaaagghhhh I feel.....fine..?"

You were surprised at how light you suddenly felt. You felt agile and much more alive!

Spy laughed at your shocked expression.

"'Our welcome pétit"

You glared at his smirk.

"But from now on tell me before you crack my head like that. I thought I was going to head back to respawn!"

"Oh, but zhat is part of zhe fun!"

"Shut it you moron! Do something like that again, and I'll turn you into fried calamari!"

"Zhose are made with squid, and as any smart person can see, I am an octoman"

You gave a growl and splashed him with the water in the pool.

Spy grinned and pulled you into the water.


Spy burst out laughing as he swam away, trying to avoid your punches.

And you both spent the rest of the day chasing and running away from each other.

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