Help (xEngineer)

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---Author's note---

Requested by MarkipliersGF!

You all know that she's a talented writer right? No? Then what are you doing here?! Get outta here and read her stuff! Go on! Shoo!

Also, I've updated Fear (xTF2)!

Anyways, enjoy the story my dearests~☆☆☆☆

"...and that's kinda like.. ugh.. you know..."

You were just ranting to Spy how much you liked the RED Engineer, and how difficult it was to do anything about it.

"As if it wasn't bad enough that I'm really shy.. he just HAD to be on the opposite team!"

Spy tossed you a missing pair of socks you were looking for.

"Well mon amour, I zhink zhat is also a part of zhe fun, non? Love blooming on zhe battlefield.. it's comme un film!"


"Like a movie"

The two of you continued folding the laundry.

"Easy for you to say, you're really good at this stuff..."

Then suddenly it came to you.

"Wait! You can help me with this!"


"You can sneak over a gift I can give him! Right???"

The BLU Frenchman gave a uneasy look.

"I am not quite sure if.."

Spy froze when he saw your face. Your shining eyes looked like they would drop tears at any given moment.



It was the end of the battle. Your team had gotten mauled the entire day. The REDs were hunting down your team mates, but fortunately you and Spy managed to hide safely.


"Oui, I will be back"

And with that Spy took off, your gift for the RED Engineer in hand.

Since the REDs won, they were in no hurry to leave. Your crush, the Engineer was packing his machinery. His sentry was disabled, ready to get packed.

Spy sneaked on over, and secretly placed your gift on the sentry.

But at that very moment the Engineer turned around and gave a roar.

"Damn Spah!"

Before Spy could say anything, Engineer killed him on the spot, and whacked your gift into pieces with his wrench.

"Damn Frenchie.. and he even gift wrapped his sapper?! That's low, even fer a Spah!"

Meanwhile you were hiding behind a wall, peaking over the little scene in dismay.


You sat in the empty respawn room, waiting for Spy to come back. You gave a deep sigh, and with a pop, Sniper came out instead.

"Bloody REDs.."

"Sniper? You died too?"

Sniper gave a grunt.

"Those rotten poikers found moi nest and hunted me down loike a pack of bloody dingos! Why aren't ya headed to base anyways?"

You told Sniper what had just happened, making him give a bark of laughter.

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