Secrets2 (xTentaspy) (xMedic)

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---Author's Note---

(Scout's voice)

You took a deep breath, closing your eyes in the dimly lit room.

The others were readying their weapons. Clicking of bullets being loaded, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

It was your first day of battle.

You found this new environment exciting. Not only have you never fought in a desert before, but you have never fought in such a big team. You were both nervous and excited for the battle.

A strange firey sensation glowed in your heart. A yearning to see, to feel the bloodbath that would soon unfold before your very eyes! You took a deep breath, and smiled to yourself.

5 mintues before the mission.

5 minutes before the mission!

Gathering yourself, you stretched lightly and grabbed your weapons. Checking and double checking if they were running smoothly.

Finding no problems, you smiled to yourself and got up from the bench, and you took your place among the others.

Though the room was silent, it waz filled with an exciting buzz in the air.

You licked your lips, when you felt an chill running up your spine.

Something was behind you, something enormous. A giant, not in size but in power, was looming behind you. A dark aura radiated from behind, and it felt like it would tear you apart.

Startled at the sudden sensation, you turned around.

It was the Medic.

He was gazing, no, piercing into your eyes.

His upper body was dipped in darkness. And you could not see his face as he chuckled.

"Good luck out zhere fräulein"

Gulping, you nodded. Facing the shut doors again.




10 mercanaries ran out the doors like hounds, war cries were hollered out as you all ran to devour your prey.

You lead the pack of wild men, running even faster than Scout, a mad grin plastered on your face with eyes that glowed.

Turning a sharp corner, you came face to face with the enemy soldier. You took out a knife and slit his throat.

Blood rained on your face and you saw the rest of the BLUs, running towards you.

You grinned and took out your weapon.

"Let's go"


The battle went on for most of the day. You slit through the throats of most of the BLU team, and you powered your way through, successfully defending your base.

After the battle, a victory was celebrated. You all had a wonderful feast back at the base, and stories from the day'a battle were exchanged with booms of laughter and mirth.

One thing you noticed was that there was only one man who was missing during the celebrations, and that was a certain German doctor.

You pondered this as you took a walk outside.

Stepping out, the cool evening breeze wisped by, leaving a pleasant feeling like a cool summer's evening.

You sighed in content, and slowly walked towards the water works near the oasis.

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