Shopping List2 (xMedic)

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----Author's note----
Requested by opabato12 and YouReadMyUsername!
Hello dearests! I do believe this is the last of the requests that I have recieved! (These are the ones requested before I closed them!)
If I have not written a request you asked for, please remind me! I am very forgetful x(
As for the other people, if I have declined your request it is only for a short time, if you could wait until I make a new page, I would be most grateful! Cheers, and enjoy!

Even the bright sunny day couldn't quiet your restless heart.

Sighing, you headed out the base, walking towards town to clear your head.

You've been pretty restless lately, and just.. well.. you had a lot going around in your head.

Medic had successfully kidnapped you again a few months ago, and that was the problem. As you were attempting to escape, you found yourself almost reluctant.

His crestfallen face everytime you managed to get away was starting to get painful.

Wait, painful?!

And ever since then, escaping has been more and more difficult. Just what was going on?

You sighed and stepped into your favorite café. Smiling at the familiar barista, you ordered your favorite drink and sat down by the window.

'I am not falling for him.. I am not falling for him.. I am not-'

A sudden thunk interupted your thoughts. Looking up, you saw Medic plastered against the window, Archimedes doing the same on his shoulder.

You stared at him with disbelief. But deep down inside, you found yourself being happy to see him again.

Medic ran into the café, and sat down in front of you. Crossing your legs, you just watched him with amusement.

"Hallo Fraü! Vhat are jou doing here?"

"Medic, it's a café. Why else would I be here?"

Just then, a bell chimed your order, and you went to pick it up, with Medic dogging your footsteps.

"Fraü!! There's something I vant to show jou!!!"

"Medic, it's not polite to come in a café and just lounge around without buying anything."

"If you say so Fraü!!"

He happily started ordering, and you took your drink back to your seat, inhaling the deep fragnace that came from your drink. You were deep in thought, thinking about Medic.

Just then, Medic came back holding something that seemed like the entire menu.

"What the.."

He had coffee, drinks, slushies all in takeout cups, artfully stacked on each other like a pyramid, and somehow he managed to carry honey bread, sandwiches and other cakes, and managed to balance them on a table near you.

"Fraü! I bought zhese for jou! I'm not sure vhich one jou liked, so I bought everything!!"

You almost cracked a smile at him, theb realized what you were doing. You almost smiled at him?! Quickly shaking your head, you told him to sit down.

"So what is it you wanted to show me?"

Medic gave a wild grin, and unfurled a giant paper. It was filled with all kinds of diagrams, plans and graphs.

"It's my new list of vays to kidnap jou!"

You gave a sigh and watched him.

He started excitingly explaining the plans out to you, his face full of joy. You watched him as he kept talking, and couldn't help but admire his looks.

You realized it now, you really fell for the weirdo. The curl of his hair bounced as he explained the elaborate plans, his cheekbones were excelently carved, and his glasses sat at the bridge of his nose, and his eyes sparkled everytime they saw a small picture of you in the plans.

"And zhen zhe rest vill fall into place!"

He finished explaining, and gave a grin.

"Vell Fraü!! Vhat do jou think?"

You snapped out of it, and stood up.

"Look Medic, I've got a lot on my mind. Maybe some other time."

He was surprised you hadn't made any snarky remarks. Carefully looking at your face, he grew quiet, worried that you might be sick.

"Alright Fraü..?"

Your heart wrenched just looking at how quiet he got. You quickly got up and left the café.


A few days had passed, and you found yourself missing the crazy german more and more each day. You barely touched your food, moped around and didn't move. Your team mates were starting to get worried. You were mildly surprised at yourself. You almost wanted Medic to kidnap you. Just when was he going to show up?

It was a Saturday night. You were taking a small walk around a park, clearing your head as you walked among the sleeping flowers and the singing crickets. The wind blew through the leaves in trees and you sighed in content.

When suddenly you heard foot steps appoaching behind you. It was the (RED/BLU) Medic! Your heart raced just thinking about him. Pretending you didn't hear him, you kept walking on. You felt his arms stretch out and you spun out of his grasp.


You artfully dodged his outstretched arms, giggling at his expression. He was full of shock of seeing you giggle, and not your usual snarl. He soon had a wide grin on his face as he tried to catch you.


You kept dodging his arms, letting him almost grasp you before you darted away. With another giggle you finally let him catch you.

"I've got jou now (y/n)!"

Giving a small laugh, you ruffled his hair.

"You got me alright"

He stood there, smiling at you in his grasp. But as time passed, he grew confused, earning a dreamy look from you.



"Jou are not.. escaping"

You looked up at him, eyes shining.

"Maybe I don't want to anymore"

He froze.

"R-really Fraü??"

You giggled and held his hand, holding it to your face.

Medic gave a small gasp, and turned red like a tomato. He started sweating heavily, and stuttered.

With a determined look, he slowly leaned forward, puckering up, when you brought a finger up to his lips, smirking.

"I didn't say that you deserved me"

And you ran out of his grasp again laughing. Startled, Medic called your name and ran after you.


The enemy Engineer and Spy were watching you run from Medic again near their base.

"The lil' lady seems to enjoy this"

"Oui, indeed she does"

"Who'd have known she'd end up fallin' for a guy who.. well, kidnaps her on a daily basis?"

Spy shook his head, and took a deep drag from his cigarette.

"Zhat is a mystery to me as well mon ami. But zhey seem perfect for each other."

Engineer gave a small chuckle with Spy, and nodded. And they watched you run, laughing away from a frantic Medic again.

"(Y/n)!!! Vait for me!!!"

"Try and catch me!"

And everyday, the distance when running between Medic and you got closer, and closer.

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