Secrets3 (xTentaspy) (xMedic)

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---Author's Note---

Sorry for the late update!

"What do you mean he never came back?!"

You were running towards your room, and the conversation that just took place kept repeating in your head.

"We nevah found him! I mean, dat's da creepy part okay?! If he was dead the respawn machine woulda said so!!"

You panted.

"But it says he ain't dead! And we've looked through the oasis but we couldn't find him!"

Tears started forming in your eyes.

"So.. he's alive..??"

You slammed your door and slid down.

"No one knows.. and we couldn't find proof Medic did something.. dat's why we couldn't do anythin'.. it's against our contract to act without proof..."

You shivered. Scout told you that ever since then, Medic had become dangerous, and merciless when it came to spies.

But why was he so nice to you? In fact, why was he always protecting you? Was it all fake? Was he trying to lure you into something?

Where was the former Spy? What happened to him? Why were you forbidden to go to the water works?

Is the former Spy even alive?

Thousands of questions buzzed through your head. Tears streamed down your face as your heart was shattered into pieces. You thought Medic cared about you! Weren't you friends?

Sobbing, you looked out the window and saw the oasis shimmering slightly in the distance.

You would settle this once and for all.


Even in broad daylight the water plant had deep shadows inside. A giant cave like gap was right next to the oasis, and the water works were tangled all around it.

Heading down, you went to the shallower parts of the oasis, and jumped in. Even the most shallow parts of the oasis were pretty deep. Water reached up to your waist.

Wading through the water you looked up.

A giant mouth of the came loomed over. Light seemed to have no meaning inside. Everything seemed to drain from inside. All color.. noise.. light.. everything..

Bracing yourself, you lit your flashlight and went inside.


The abyss went on and on.. it didn't really seem like it had an end.

You held your breath as you walked in. Fear painted your face to imgaine finding someone here. You wanted to cry but you knew it was too late to turn back. You've already come so far.

What seemed like hours past by. You were trudging through the black water, and you half expected something to lunge at you.

You stopped.

There was nothing but darkness.

Standing alone in the black water, you could only hear the sound of your own frantic breathing.

Sighing, you decided to turn around.

Slowly walking from where you came from, you realized how deep you've come in. There wasn't a single bit of light to show the time of day.

Suddenly you felt something brush against your feet.

Gasping, you thrashed in the water, losing your balance. You backed up to a wall, and pointed your flashlight at the water to see what was.

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