Party (xTf2)

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---Author's Note---

Hello darlings! I hope you all had a good time with my stories! It's time for the finale! ☆☆

Another day dawned, and you slowly opened your eyes.

You dressed yourself in the dark, shivering as your skin was exposed to the cold morning air.

And freshening up for the day, you quietly slipped down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone up. You passes the hallway, hearing soft snores as you passed the mercenaries' rooms.

You began preparing breakfast quickly. There was a mountain of food to be made, and the men usually wolfed them down faster than you would spend time making them.

Pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, fried mushroom and hashbrown would be piled onto various plates, and the men would pick whatever pleased them.

Setting up a pot of coffee, you slowly finished your work, and one by one the men came down to eat.

And sure enough, the once quiet kitchen was now filled with low grumbles of greetings along with the sound of chewing. You made sure Scout didn't fight over the pancakes with Soldier.

The men soon ran off, starting to fight for the day, and your real work began.

Cleaning the dishes up, you quickly started cleaning the entire base, making sure there wasn't a single dirty spot.

Cleaning up empty cans of Bonk! And beer bottles, sweeping and mopping the floor, you also made sure to wipe the occassional blood off the windows.

Ms.Pauling also had you write a report about the men, their habits along with their quirks, and their overall conditions.

Ms.Pauling seemed to pile more work on you constantly. Including some of her own work. (You did say you would like to help her) Not out of ill will, but to the lack of understanding your stamina.

There were several more chores you tended to, such as checking stock, and other random jobs.

The kitchen, hallways, stairs, rec room, gym, bathroom, and of course, the medbay were throughly scrubbed down, sparkling clean before they were to be back to being dirty at the end of the day.

And as soon as you were done cleaning, the men came back, and that's when you started cooking again.

Because the men would spend most of the day out in the battlefield, they didn't have time for lunch. Which meant that they would be extremely hungry at the end of the day.

A feast was prepared everyday at dinner, much to the joy of the men.

And sure enough, you were done cooking the dinner, and you had set the table, and the men came running towards it and you also sat down to eat.

The mercenaries wolfed down the food, and almost started fighting over it, but today...

You didn't really have the strength to stop them.

Barely touching your food, you couldn't bring yourself to eat.

Deciding a walk would help, you got up and threw your food away.


A certain Frenchman did not let this fact go unnoticed.

"Gentlemen..? 'Ave any of 'ou noticed something strange about our little madamoiselle?"

Scout spoke with a mouthful of potato.

"Whads abouf her?"

Spy frowned, wiping the specks of potato off his suit.

"She seems to be growing paler"

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