Sandvich (xHeavy)

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----Author's note----
Ahhh this is my first time writing another perspective so bear with me! ;_;

The small bistro you owned downtown was your very pride and joy. It was a very small place yes, but the beautiful sunlight that poured in through the tall windows, the small pots of plants scattered around and the music that gently flowed gave a warm feeling in your heart.
Others must have felt the same way as you did, because your bistro was very successful, and you had a lot of regulars stopping by. They were very good friends with you. Well, actually except for one.

You were behind the counter again, slowly flipping the pages of your book lazily. It was the slower part of day. When suddenly a familar set of footsteps that reminded you of an earthquake reached your ears as you tensed up.

A small jingle of a bell rang, and you looked up to see your customer. A giant, bald man just came through the door. He looked angry as usual, and loomed over the place as he walked up to the counter. No matter how many times you saw him, you couldn't get used to the intimidating aura that he had around him.

Heavy's P.O.V

I love this place! Coming up tiny footsteps is Heavy's favorite part of day! Tiny pot and plant always get in Heavy's way. Must be very careful to not step on pretty plants!

I love small food place! Heavy step inside and always take look around room, Always! Is very beautiful with tall window and small plant. Music is very good too!

Heavy is always feeling nervous though. Leetle person at counter always give Heavy butterflies in stomach. Is wrong!! Sandvich must fill stomach, not flying bug!
Always I worry my face is showing how Heavy feels.

P.O.V Change

You closed your book and spoke.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?"

The giant pointed at the small picture of a sandwich you put up. You nodded and got to work right away.

Despite him being a frequent customer, no matter how many times you met each other, he wouldn't say much. You started making the sandwich, toasting the bread you made this morning, you spread cream cheese over it, adding fresh tomatoes and lettuce. The smoked ham and swiss cheese you added gave the sandwich a mouth watering scent. You cut the sandwich into triangles and to finish it off, you added an olive with a toothpick on top.

The big man was watching so seriously you couldn't look up. It seemed like he could burn a hole into you with his eyes! His nostrils flared as he breathed heavily.

You wrapped his sandwich up (he never bothered to eat here) and nervously handed it over to him.

Heavy's P.O.V

Watching leetle shopkeeper make sandwich is great fun. Leetle fingers wave like magic wand over food, then BOOM! Is most wonderful sandvich!
It brings Heavy great joy. Leetle cook is always serious with work, so never look anywhere but at sandvich when working! Is very hard worker!
Such tiny hands give Heavy sandvich, Is very cute!

P.O.V Change

He grabbed the sandwich and left, making you give out a sigh of relief.
You opened your book and continued reading.


Some time had passed. The giant would come and go, taking his sandwich with him. He had been a customer for quite some time now, but you still hadn't gotten used to his fearsome look.

It was a sunny afternoon on a Friday. You heard the footsteps you knew all too well, and you already put some bread in the toaster, gathering the ingredients you needed for the sandwich he would always order.

The man came and ordered a sandwich again but this time, he didn't bother to leave. You watched in bewilderment, as he sat down at a table, nearly crushing the chair he was using, it looked like the man was using a children's toy table or something. You couldn't help but stiffle a laugh at the sight.
Curious, you asked,

"You're staying to eat today?"

The man looked up from the sandwich he was about to take a bite from.

"Da, leetle scout- I mean, Misha's coworker always try to steal sandvich. Wish to eat in peace."

'Huh, so his name is Misha! And apparently my sandwiches must be so good its worth stealing!'

You had a large beam on your face and seeing this, Misha choked on his sandwich. You saw him coughing and gave him a bottle of lemonade.

"Did not orde--"

"It's on the house."

He turned red, and took it shyly out of your hands with a quiet word of thanks. You found him absolutely adorable! Who knew this giant was actually a big teddy bear? He quietly chewed on his sandwich and left the place quickly. You cleaned the spot he ate at and giggled to yourself.


The next day you were reading again, and judging by how the bistro was caught in a mini earthquake, Misha was coming again.

You got off the high chair you were using and slowly started making a sandwich again, you decided to add another free bottle of lemonade since he seemed so----

A large cough interupted your thoughts. You saw Misha with a hand behind his giant back.

"Uh.. can I help you?"

He figeted with his necktie. Wait, a necktie? You looked at him closely. You saw that he was all dressed up, not in his usual weird work clothes...

He cleared his throat and brought his hand from behind his back, sweating nervously, he held a giant boquet of roses.

"Heav- uh, Misha wishes to know if you will go out on date"

You were genuinly surprised. Staring at him with wide eyes, he fidgeted with his necktie again, you slowly took the boquet from him and pecked his cheek.

"Yes, I'd love to"

His face was red, but had a wide grin on. A loud explosion of cheers and applause could be heard from outside the windows. A group of 8 men in red were rooting and seemed to be shouting something.

"Now dat's wat I'm talkin' 'bout!"

"Keep it up comrade!"

"Bloody well done mate!"

The wide grins they had turned into horror when a very flustered Misha turned to them,


Heavy rushed out and everyone scattered while screaming, he started chasing a guy in a baseball cap and the others started running too. You giggled at the silly sight. Watching them, you held the boquet closely to yourself.

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