Screen (xEngineer)

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---Author's Note---

Requested by Frejamazing and seconded by MarkipliersGF!

"(Y/n)! The battle starts in 1 minute!"

Jane called you over in a hurry, and you threw the stack of papers you were holding in excitement and ran over behind the Administrator.

With a frown, the old woman gave a flick of her cigerette.

"(Y/n), I want those papers cleared up. Now."

Your best friend, Ms.Pauling cut in.

"Can't (Y/n) do it after this match? You know how much she loves to watch the guys fight!"

You gave the saddest puppy dog eyes you could manage to the Administrator. And with a sigh, she turned towards the giant screen.

"Fine.. but I expect them to be filed perfectly. Understood?"

You gave a squeal of joy and launched yourself behind the Administrator's chair and propped your elbows on the back of the large leather chair, and Jane also watched excitedly right next to you.

The Administrator pulled the microphone closer.


And with the sound of sliding metal doors, both RED and BLU teams ran out of their respawn rooms like a hoard of hounds, and you and Ms. Pauling both started to cheer.

Even the Administrator couldn't help but give an amused smirk.

Jane gave a laugh and pointed to the screen.

"(Y/n)! It's your man!!"

Your eyes trailed over to where Jane was pointing, and your eyes widened and started to light up.

And there he was, the RED Engineer. Swinging his wrench over the sentry he was building. Sweat glistened on his forhead and the back of his neck. He waved over to a team mate and would smile and give a word of encouragement to anyone who was using the dispenser.

It was like he was radiating sunshine before your eyes. Angels seemed to sing and flowers looked like they would bloom in his presense.

You just stared at the big screen, mouth agape. Jane giggled at you and the Administrator gave a small tsk.

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh...!!"

Ms. Pauling and the Administrator were used to your dorky fangirling over the Engineer. You were like an otaku, fangirling over the man in the screen. Drawing pictures or writing cheesey poems about your dream boat.

The Administrator warned the REDs that they lost a control point, and kept watching the screen before casually speaking again.

"(Y/n) please kindly refrain from drooling on my shoulder again."

You woke up with a snap, and with a blush wiped some drool from your mouth.

"Heheh, sorry.."

The fight was a close call.

"C'mon guys..! You can do it...!"

You had your fingers crossed for the REDs.


You and Ms. Pauling started picking up the papers you threw a while ago.

"Wow, that was some battle!"

"Yeah! And did you see how Engineer just whacked that BLU Spy with his wrench? And that Spy was fully cloaked!"

You turned red just at the thought of the Engineer, and Jane chuckled.

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