Barfight2 (xCBS)

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----Author's note----

Requested by VexDeathmoon!
For those who haven't read my updated request page, I'm afraid I cannot accept any new requests at the moment, I'm having a hard time keeping track of what's what right now. But don't worry! I'll open a new requests page later on, so until then, please be patient my dear readers! Thank you~☆☆☆

Walking down the street together hand in hand, you smiled to yourself as you felt his thumb run against your hand.

The two of you been dating since the last... uh.. arm wrestling match at MAMBA. The two of you were inseperable, and were rarely seen without each other.

If there was one thing that bothered you was that CBS was.. a bit overprotective. You looked up at him as you continuted going down the street. His blood red eyes were hidden behind his aviators, and he seemed to be thinking as well.

You thought of all the times you spent together. No man was allowed to even stand near you, he would constantly shadow you even up to the girls restroom, (which made you slap his arm until he left disdainfully) and when you were reading he would growl and put his head on your lap, and try to snuggle between you and the book.

You were still thinking when a small bark caught your eye and you turned your head towards the sound. You both were passing by a pet shop, and there was the smallest, cutest, most sweetest little puppy you've ever seen!!!

You gave a coo and headed towards the large glass window. You saw the puppy waddle over to you and wag it's tail, happily jumping towards you.

You giggled and ran a finger over the glass and the puppy followed.

"Awww..! Aren't you the cutest thing ever!"

CBS walked over to see what had caught your attention. He saw the look of adoration on your face and he looked back and forth at you and the puppy. He gave a low growl.

"C'mon (y/n), you said you wanted to see that movie"

He grabbed your hand and dragged you away. You took one last look at the puppy before you walked away. CBS looked back at the puppy and glared at it, while the puppy tilted it's head in confusion.

The next day you were passing by the same pet shop, only to see that the puppy was gone. Disapointed, you went on your way.


Serving some food, you busily walked around, tending to the customers at MAMBA. You were thinking of what CBS had said the night before.

"Oi'm gonna be late tomorrow, be careful and don't go near that pet shop again!"

You were confused, but didn't question him any further.

Absentmindly clearing tables, you heard a voice.

"Hey there"

Looking up, you saw a man smiling at you. You looked closely and saw that it was the same man who had been coming down here everyday for the last week.

"Oh, hello! Dave was it?"

The man smiled at you, happy that you remembered his name.

"Yeah! Busy night tonight?"

You nodded, giving a tired smile.

"Yes, because apparently, some people like to share their food with the tables and floors!"

You glared over at the group of men who made the mess, who were now shooting pool. They smiled sheepishly.

"Heh, sorry 'bout that (y/n)!"

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