Lonely Hands (xMedic)

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---Author's Note---

Idea and request by Newuha123!
Thank you all for giving me these awesome requests and ideas! ^^

The dull painful throbbing in your head woke you up.


Sitting up in your bed, the blanket softly fell off of your torso, soaked with sweat.


These past few nights have been terrible. Ever since you woke up in that creek in the park, you've been having constant headaches.

You blacked out so you couldn't remember but apparently you fell off the bridge that was over the creek. You always did admire the fish that lived inside. You groaned inwardly and reminded yourself never to lean in on the ledge of the bridge ever again.

If there was one good thing about this little mess was that you made a new friend.

Tall, smart, kind and handsome.. well there were many words that could describe your new German friend, and none of these words were bad. But there was a sad wispy air about him. And you couldn't help but-


Clutching your head again, your head started throbbing, and the blood pounding in your ears were deafening.

'Should I call..?'

Finding you in the creek a few days back, Joseph has been taking care of you. Apparenty he was a doctor, so he was able to treat your wounds quickly. He was extremely kind.

But he seemed very surprised at you, his eyes widened with shock as you introduced yourself after he treated the large cut on your head. You couldn't help but feel miffed at the time. I mean, you were only trying to be polite!

Though he seemed almost.. upset that you introduced yourself, he's been taking care of you ever since then. Making random stops at your house, sending you a text or call, and most of all, he took care of the wound on your head.

He gave you specific orders to call him immediatly when your head hurt again.

Looking to your right, you looked at the time.

3:24 am

You hesitated as you gazed at your phone. The last time your head hurt, you decided to sleep it off and didn't bother to call Joseph. He ws extremely upset and worried the next day.

'Oh well... he won't blame me for doing what he asked me to do.. right?'

Normally you would have used your cellphone.. but sadly it was drenched in water. Joseph said he would take care of that, and took it away for the time being.

Dialing the number on your phone, you heard someone pick up.

"Hallo?? (Y/n)?? Iz zhat jou??"

"Y-yeah.. sorry to bother you, but I have anoth-"

"Stay vright vhere jou are! I vill be zhere soon!"

With that, Joseph hung up, while you sat in bed, hugging your legs to yourself as you waited.

Shortly after the phone call, Joseph came knocking at your front door. You opened the door and he burst in. The frantic look in his eyes was evident, but his professional attitude proved otherwise. He got to work quickly and made some quick examinations, asking you certain questions as he sat you down on your couch.

"Do jou feel dizzy vhen jou haff zhese headaches?"


"Have zhe pills been vorking?"

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