Foolish things (xSpy)

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---Author's note---
Hello my darlings! Did you miss me? I'm not really back yet but I wanted to upload something during the break because I needed a breather from assignments and whatnot. I based this story off Ella Fitzgerald's 'These foolish things' a lot of the lyrics can be found here. I hope you enjoy the story my dearests!☆ also, another sad story because I like writing about Spy as a drama queen.

The warm breath of the fire washed up on the long lean body that was sitted at the armchair. A small wispy smile curled at the frenchman's lips as he was lost in sweet reminiscence.

"Hey Spy! Look what I found..!"

Small chuckles escaped Spy's mouth as he looked into the fire fondly, remembering the time you proudly held up a four leaf clover to his face, facing him with shining eyes, as if you had found a great treasure.

But the thought left him empty. Shaking his head he poured himself another glass of wine, and sat down on the arm chair once again.

Circling the glass, the glow from the fire was caught in the glass of wine, and shimmering deep red liquid slowly danced around as the glass tilted in circular motions.

He stared blankly into the fire again. There wasn't anything he could do anyways. What better way was there to pass the lonliness than wine?

An airline ticket to romantic places,

A tinkling piano and a fairground's painted swings.

A wine glass that bears a lipstick's traces...

These foolish things reminded him of you.

Spy groaned and dropped the wineglass, holding his head in his hands. In remorse he grabbed his hair and pulled, his eyes clamped shut and his teeth clentched as small whimpers lingered on his lips.

He stood up abruptly and started heading out.

Gardenia perfume lingering on a pillow.

Waiters whistling as the last bar closes...

He kept a brisk pace and tried to focus on walking when he realized where he ended up.

Looking around his heart wrentched to find that he had managed to come to the same park you both would always come to.

Furious with himself, he kept walking, trying in vain to block the thoughts that lingered in his mind.

The scent of smouldering leaves.

The wail of streamers.

Two lovers on the street who walk like dreamers..

Oh how the thought of you clings!

He almost ran out of the dreary place, looking up at the sky, he saw how dark and cold it was becoming. He could see his breath in the lonely autumn night.

Looking up at the sky, he saw the moon shimmering faintly. Spy just stood there, standing in the moonlight.

"Spy? You promise you'll aways be there for me?"

Your voice echoed through his mind and with a snarl he tried to block the rest of the memory away.

"Oui petit, I will always-"


Spy yelled at himself and took heavy breaths.

"..... I'm sorry (y/n)..."

He slowly turned around and automatically started heading towards where you were.

He didn't want to ever see you again. His guilt kept him from coming near you, and though he knew you would forgive him, he could not forgive himself for failing you.

He hated himself for wanting to be near you again, but he kept going and later he found the right place. Not that you would ever go anywhere else.

He felt his heart wrentch with both joy and sorrow to be near you again. He always kept himself away, but something made him stay.

The two of you were ingulfed in silence. You never spoke again after the incident, and Spy stood there, silent with sorrow and guilt.

Spy gave a sigh before speaking to you.



"I'm sorry..."


"Forgive me mon amour.. I could not keep my promise"


He gave a wry smile and a weak laugh.

"Ah.. I cannot get used to 'our silence mon amour.."


He teared up and got down on one knee.

"But it is my fault zhat 'ou 'ave fallen silent non?"


"...I'm sorry petit..."


Choking up, he wept bitterly in the moonlight. Hot tears dropping one by one on the cold tombstone that beared your name.

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