Fluster (xHeavy)

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---Author's note---

Idea and request by Fiddlercrab!
Enjoy my dear readers☆


"Yeah yeah, I'm comin'!"

Scout walked up to the door and opened it.

He was annoyed to find no one at the door. Giving a groan and was about to close it when he heard a tiny cough.

"Uh.. excuse me.."

He looked down and saw a short girl, clutching a huge traveling bag.

"I..uh.. Ms. Pauling said this would be... uh.."

Scout gave a unmanly squeal.

"Ohmygoshohmygosh!! You're da new recruit?!"

Scout pushed you inside and dragged you over to the rec room.

"Hey guys!!! Look who Ms. Pauling sent us!!"

The room was filled with men. Stopping what they were doing they turned their heads to see a very flustered you.

"Um.. hello..."

The men's heart melted at the sight of you. How could such a little adorable girl exist?!

You stood there in the doorway, in a hoodie too big for you that was in the (team color) Even though you wore Jordans that made you a bit taller, you were really short. (Thats the right shoe brand.. right?!)

"Awwwwww! Look at her!"

"Hahaha the sheila's red as a tomato!"

"Aww stop teasin' her guys! The lil' lady don't know better!"

The men gathered around you, cooing and petting your head, and pinching your cheeks.

"Ahhh stop it please..!!"

The men all laughed until they saw someone behind you.

"What is this?"

You turned around and saw a giant man, looming behind you in a fearsome manner. You couldn't even look at his face properly in fear.

"Heavy look! This is the new girl!"

Heavy looked down at you and you squeaked.

Clutching the hem of your hoodie, you merely shook, and mustered all of your courage to say one word..


Heavy looked down at you with wide eyes, silent and stiff...

---3 months later---

"H-heavy!!! Let goooo!!"

Heavy only boomed with laughter as he scooped you up and spun you around, hugging you tightly as he planted various kisses on your face.


Sniper, Demo, Soldier and Engineer looked up from their poker game, and chuckled at how embarrassed you looked.

"Heavyy!! Stop it! I have to go organize my weapons!"

"Nyet! Is cuddle time!"

You tried to push him away to no avail. Your feet dangled in the air, and you were held tightly by the waist. You flailed your arms around and pushed his face away but nothing seemed to work.

"Let go!!"

Heavy just seemed to enjoy how annoyed you got, your cheeks puffed up and Heavy was giddy.

"I am a deadly mercenary! Let go of me!"

The men roared in laughter and you got even more annoyed.

You were embarrassed by the daily harrassment you recieved from the giant, but little did you know that it would only get worse.


"(Y/n)~!! Where are youuuuu????"

You squeaked and started running towards Engineer's workshop, trying to find a hiding place.

Bursting in through the doors, you saw Engineer look up from his work, and flash a knowing look at you.

"Heavy again?"

You didn't even have time to reply, Heavy's footsteps got closer and closer. You crawled in a pile of broken sentry parts and hid yourself from the Russian. And Engineer chuckled at the little game of hide and seek.



"Go away!"

Your most intimidating growl nothing to stop Heavy from chasing you. Frantically running, you found yourself in Spy's smoking room. Spy looked up from the magazine he was reading and saw a very upset you.

"Help me please!!!"

Spy smiled and nodded.

Just then Heavy burst into the room to find two of you.

"Ok, games over!"

"Yeah! Stop chasing me!"

Heavy was puzzled to see two of you, identically crossing your arms im the same postition, glaring up at him as you both tapped your feet.

With a wide grin, Heavy scooped the two of you up in his arms into a giant bear hug.

"Two (y/n)s! Is even better!"

You heard a rib crack and turned your head to the source of the sound.
With a groan of pain, Spy turned back into himself. Disgruntled to see the Frenchman, Heavy threw him to the ground and proceeded to cuddle you.


Scout walked into the rec room and found Heavy on the couch, and as usual, you being held by him. Scout was about to walk away when he saw you kiss Heavy's cheek!

"Wat da hell?!"

Heavy and you looked up in surprise and saw Scout with his mouth hanging open.

"(Y/N)?! I thought you didn't like Heavy!?"

You turned red at being caught.

"I... uh...I..."

Heavy gave a wicked grin and pulled you closer.

"(Y/n) is now Heavy's girl. Leetle Scout should go mind own business now!"

And with that he pulled you into a deep kiss that made you turn into an even darker shade of red.

"Alright I'm out!"

And with that, Scout ran out of the room.

You felt tears rise in your eyes of embarrassment.


Heavy nuzzled his face into your neck laughing.

"Heavy is sorry leetle (y/n)! Heavy is just so happy that you now let Heavy be with you! Is very happy!"

You gave a sniff.


A low rumble of content came from Heavy as he buried himself into your arms.

"Of course, Heavy could not ask for more!"

You wiped your tears away and stroked his face with your hands, making him purr.

Heavy noticed that you were still flustered and decided to take you up to your room, and the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon, peacefully dozing off together in the warmth of the sunlight pouring in through the large windows.

And you were snuggled up against the giant, warm and happy.

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