Promise2 (xMedic)

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---Author's Note---

My dear readers are turning into dinosaurs.. I fear that th- *RAPTOR SCREECHES*

The following entries have been written in Medic's Carte/Journal

x April 6th, Monday

I vas extremely exhausted at zhe end of zhe day. Zhe operation took almost 8 hours, but it was vorth it. Zhe transplant vas successful and (Y/n) vas stitched up and vas sent to zhe intense care ward for zhe time being.

x April 8th, Wednesday

(Y/n) has finally voken up. Zhe operation has taken it's toll on her and has left her in a weakened state. She thanked me. But her eyes still seem rather.. empty.

x April 9th Thursday

Zhe Fräulein despises any form of food and has refused everything we've given her. Her stubborness has forced me to make sure food vill haff to be.. given to her through zhe tubes zhat are pierced through her hand. She vill make little progress if she keeps zhis up.

x April 15th Wednesday

Zhe lingers, zhe tubes.. (Y/n) took zhem out by force and somehow managed to cut zhem up into pieces.
Vhy must she do zhis to herself?

x April 16th Thursday

Fräulein (Y/n) has agreed to start eating only if I feed her myself. I vas startled by zhis peculier request, and vas tempted to decline. But her eyes gazed into mein and I could not bring myself to say no.

I only hope zhis vill all be over soon. I find it rather difficult to stay in zhe same room vith zhe little fräulein for very long.

x April 17th Friday

It vas zhe first day of our agreement. (Y/n) stared as I fumbled to feed her. I could feel my face burn up as I fed her zhe lunch zhat vas brought in. Dinner vas no different. As I left zhe room after (Y/n) vas fed, I saw her flash a smirk.

Verdammit. She's doing zhis on purpose. I just know it.

x April 20th Monday

(Y/n) has started asking... questions. I cannot understand vhat goes through her mind. At first her questions regarded zhe weather, or current news. And in an instant she asks me if
I have ever failed any operations.. how flowers bloom and other odd questions. I try my hardest to answer these abrupt questions but I find myself stumbling over my own words. And zhis, seems to bring her joy. I cannot understand zhis strange one.

x April 25th Saturday

(Y/n) vas absentminded today and asked how her progress vas. I told her zhat she vas healing nicely, and also happily added zhat she vould be able to leave zhe hospital in a month. Strangely, (Y/n) furrowed her brows and looked out zhe window and refused to eat, no matter how hard I tried to feed her.

x May 3rd Sunday

(Y/n) has threatened to stop eating again today. I told her zhat if she kept doing zhis, she would not be able to leave zhe hospital. And to my surprise (Y/n) smiled at zhis news. I told her sternly zhat she needed to eat, causing her to glare at me. She impatiently drummed her fingers on the side of her bed. I don't understand! Doesn't she vant to get better?

I said I vould do anyzhing to get her to eat. And vith a thoughtful look she agreed to eat again, and said she vould tell me vhat to do tomorrow.

x May 4th Monday

(Y/n) told me zhat she vants me to take her out on a valk everyday after every meal. Zhe nurses giggled at her words, and blushed. I for one, believe zhis is an excelent idea! I told (Y/n) zhat zhis vould greatly help her get better and told her zhe benefits of regular exercise. (Y/n) sighed and zhe nurses seemed disappointed.

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