Worry (xHeavy)

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---Author's note---

Requested by ASacredOrange!
This person is one of my favorite writers on wattpad, and is one of the most talented, making her own tf2 art using SFM and something called gimp? Anyways Go check her work out!

"Hey Scout wanna watch me juggle 4 knives?"


Pyro, Demo, Scout and Soldier started cheering you on. With a wild grin you started juggling.


Their amazed expressions egged you on, you smirked and turned to demo.

"Pass that broken bottle of scrumpy while you're at it!"


The men started screaming now and Demo threw in the broken bottle. Everyone chanted your name as you put on the dangerous display of your little wild circus act.

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N)!! (Y/N)!!!!"

Heavy walked in the room from behind you, curious to what was happening. When he saw you juggling, his face darkened and he suddenly shouted.


You dropped eveything in surprise, and the bottle shattered at your feet.

The men booed at Heavy, and ignoring them all, he ran over to you, checking your hands.

"(Y/n)! Is leetle hands alright?!"

You gave out a bored sigh.

"Yes Heavy I'm fine. You don't have to check on me all the time"

"Ahh Heavy ya just had to ruin the fun for us all! *hic*!"

"Yeah! What's the deal anyways? (Y/n) does this all da time!"

The men murmered in agreement, but suddenly fell silent when Heavy glared back at them. The Russian grabbed your arm and started dragging you away. Looking back at you sternly as he went.

"Come, we go to doktor for (y/n)'s hand"

You grumbled but followed anyways.


The next day you and Scout were chilling on a slanted part of the roof at the base. You were about 2 stories high, feet dangling at the edge of the roof. Drinking cans of bonk! The two of you made a little game of throwing the cans.

"Hey, betcha I can throw this farther than you"

"No way! You're on bitch!"

"OHHHHH you did not just call me a bitch you-"

Your little fight ended with a frantic shout from below.


Heavy was terrified to see you sitting so high above. You groaned and looked down.

"Heavy I'm fine! Don't worry!"

Heavy was angry and frightened at the same time as he shouted up at you. You groaned to see the stern Russian bellow.

"(Y/N)!!! Come down from roof!!!"

Scout laughed at you and you glared back.

"Awwwww look!! Heavy cares about youuuu~~~!!!"

"Drop dead Scout"

You and Scout watched the worried giant on the ground. To make it a little interesting you decided to make a little show.

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