Spellbooks (xTF2)

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---Author's note---
Actually, I have never fought Merasmus before, so if I get anything wrong, sorry! :3

Master Merasmus was furious again. He toppled over books and papers as he stomped by, gathering his things for the big fight.

"(Y/n)! Make yourself useful and find me my spellbooks!!"

You rolled your eyes and searched around for his things. Apparently his ex roommate has been bothering him again, causing him to storm through the castle in a rage.


"Ok, ok I'm coming!!"

You were picked to be his apprentice/housekeeper of sorts. He was pretty.. uh.. let's just say 'special' but he still taught you magic pretty well, and he wasn't that bad once you got used to hi-


Ok, he still was pretty annoying at times, but it wasn't something you couldn't handle.

You dashed behind him, arms full of ancient spellbooks and magical runes. The two of you kept a brisk pace as Merasmus did warm ups with his staff.

"I regret the day I met the Soldier, he has been nothing but a thorn in my side!"

Bombinomicon chided in.

"Well maybe he wouldn't be if you had just washed da dishes!"

You giggled as the Bombinomicon laughed in your arms.

Merasmus spun around quickly and glared at the two of you, making you both hold your laughter in.

"A great magician as myself does not need to do such meaningless tasks! Merasmus has no fault in this matter!"

You choked down another laugh with the book. He was over 6000 years old but master Merasmus still acted like a child.

Merasmus lead you out into the cold night, the moon shined her light over the skull island. The two of you stood on a high ledge. You heard the angry shouts of men in the distance.

You assumed it was the wizards that would soon fight Merasmus. You've never really seen or heard of them before. All you knew was that they always managed to defeat your mentor.

"Master Merasmus? Will I be joining the fight?"

"No (y/n), you keep my books and runes on standby, make sure you are safely behind at all times. The great Merasmus will end this fight in only a mere matter of seconds!"

You and Bombinomicon exchanged grins. Master Merasmus always had his butt kicked, and always returned to the castle with several burn marks and wounds after hours or even days!

But even though Merasmus was a bit stupid at times, his power was no joke. You always wondered what kinds of powerful magicians managed to fight Merasmus and lived to tell the tale.

This was your first time coming out to see the fight, and judging by how your master had you bring out his runes and spellbooks, it was going to be a big one. Excitement and curiousity filled you as Merasmus got ready for the battle.

"(Y/N), Stay here and most importantly, defend my books!"

You nodded and watched him fly down the cliff.

"Man.. this is boring.."

You grumbled as the Bombinomicon laughed.

"Ayyye c'mon! It ain't dat bad! You get a great view of the fight up here with the best book in da world!"

You laughed and gave the book a noogie.

"Shut up Bombino!"

You laughed with the book.

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