Plans (xEngineer)

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----Author's note----
Sorry for the delay my dears! I had a busy day!

Requested by the lovely MarkipliersGF! This dear reader writes tf2 stories as well, you'll be missing out if you don't read her stories!

He found himself turning bright red just thinking about you.

He thought he would be too old to even think about love, and then you waltzed into his life, making him a hot, blushing steamy mess, going weak at the knees just looking at you.

He was sitting at his deck, thinking hard. He wanted to show you how he felt. But how?

He was writing down plans.. he held his head in his hands. 11 PHDs, and he couldn't think up a single way to confess his feelings.

Tapping the pencil in his hand, his head got stuck. Absentmindly, he started doodling.

He drew you, your eyes shining, hair glowing, your lips soft and lush..
His heart fluttered just looking at a doodle version of you, realizing what he was doing, he snorted at himself. He was like a school boy in love. Shaking his head at himself, he thought that he should really start acting more matu-


He yelped and rolled the paper into a ball.

You laughed.

"Hahaha! Got you Engie!!"

He gulped.

"(Y/n)?! What are ya doin' here?"

"Just here to bother my best friend duh!"

His heart sank at your words. He was only a friend..?

Suddenly Scout poked in.

"Hey (y/n)! Let's go prank Spy!!"

You gave a woot and went after Scout.

He watched you leave, and got up in determination. He was going to find a way to confess his feelings, or die trying.


He remembered that you loved his cookies, so he baked a whole batch of his famous chocolate chip cookies into heart shapes. He piled them onto a plate, and set them by the window to cool for a moment.

He went up to your room, and knocked on the door. You opened it, and smiled when you saw who it was.

"Engie! What's up?"

He nervously cleared his throat.

"Ah.. ah.. uh... got a surprise for ya darlin"

You beamed.

"Really? What is it??"

Leading you towards the kitchen, he opened his mouth.

"Uh... so (y/n), Ah know how much ya like mah cookies and.."

He froze and saw the whole crew eating his cookies. You saw Scout stuffing his face the most.

"Oh! Heu (y/n)!! Engfie made soem coofkies!"

Scout realized that the plate was empty.

You were pissed off.

"WHAT?! Engie made cookies and you guys didn't even save me any!?" They al exchanged sheepish grins.

"Sorry sheila, we koinda just found out too"

"We woulda called ye lass, but we got caught up eatin!"

You glared at all 8 men.

"Ohhhh nooo you don't, you guys aren't getting away with this!"

You started chasing the men and they heartily started running away laughing. Leaving Engineer dumbfounded.

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