Secrets (xTentaspy) (xMedic)

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---Author's Note---

Hello my darlings~ this son of a bitch stomach flu is killing me~

Requested by Griffengirl99!

You hugged your bag tightly as you watched the desert landscape pass before your eyes.

A trail of dust billowed as the truck slowed down towards a cleverly disguised base.

You widened your eyes when you saw a beautiful, and giant oasis were also nearby. The golden sand was a beautiful contrast to the oasis that shimmered turquoise in the sunlight. Some large pipes and a small water facility was also attached to the oasis,
Creating a look that reminded you of a water palace.

The truck stopped, and the driver grunted a small goodbye, and drove off, leaving you alone before the base.

Taking your things, you knocked on the rusty door. Dust and sand shook off as the door swung open, revealing a boy that looked around your age.

"What? Huh? Can I help you?"

You cleared your throat.

"I'm the new mercenary. (Y/n). Miss Pauling sent me"

The boy grinned as he showed you in.

"Alright! Come on girly! Let's get you inside to meet da rest of dese knuckleheads!"

You laughed nervously and followed him inside.

The hallways echoed at first, but after a bit of walking, the sounds of men laughing, the clinking of bottles and other noises came into your ear.

The boy walked in, and several men greeted him.

"Hey Scout, any of them darn packages here yet?"

"Maybe is food supplies"

"Ey! There'a a lass!"

A man with an eyepatch pointed at you and a small group of men playing poker looked up.

"Well what's the lil' lady doin' here?"

"Guys! Dis is da new recruit!"

The men cheered and hollered, making you take a step back from the sudden noise.

"Is good to have new face!"

"Wow, the new bloke was a sheila!"

"Welcome to the base darlin'!"

The men gathered around you, smiling and asking all sorts of questions that you answered sweetly.

"Thank you all so much! You're all so very kind!"

"We're all glad to have ya here girlie! I mean just the other nigh-"

Everyone fell silent at the footsteps that echoed from behind you.

Curious at what could have caused the sudden silence, you turned around.

The hallway was engulfed in shadows, emitting a strong contrast from the
Sunlit room you were in.

And from these very shadows emerged a pair of white orbs, that turned out to be glasses reflecting the strong sunlight in the room.

A tall dark haired man with high cheekbones and stern eyes stepped in the room.

The man had strong broad shoulders, and he walked with an air of quiet power. He had his hands behind his back as he walked in the room. And his every footstep created a dark ripple of sound.

The air seemed to still in his presense. You could even see small particles in the air floating around in the strong sunlight.

Stepping in the room, he looked around and found the source of the commotion.

The bostonian tried to break the silence that the strange man brought in.

"H-hey Medic! Dis is da new recruit Miss Pauling sent! Isn't she great?"

Medic said nothing as he walked towards you, making the others step out of the way.

Your breath hitched when Medic stepped before you. His tall frame towered over you, and his height was not the only thing that overwhelmed you.

Silence fell again as the Medic examined you, gazing with those piercing icy blue orbs. It felt like he was burning a hole through your very existence with those eyes.

Everyone held their breath, and you stood still as a statue.

The Medic opened his mouth, his dark voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

"Vhat is jour name fräulein?"

"I-it's (y/n)"

Medic narrowed his eyes as he leaned closer towards you. He was almost face to face with you.

"I see. And vhat class are jou?"


"Hey, that doesn't really matter, right doc..??"

Scout inturrupted you, looking downright scared.

Medic stood up straight, and the men stirred. A man with aviators slapped Scout's arm.

Medic gazed at Scout for a moment before he scoffed.

"Nein, I suppose it does not matter"

With that, he walked out of the room.

The men shifted uncomfortably.

Scout quickly tried to lighten the mood.

"H-hey (y/n)! Why don't I show you to your room? Come on!"

The other men silently went back to what they were doing and you were dazed at the sudden change of atmosphere that one man brought about. Shaking your thoughts away, you nodded and followed Scout to your new room.

Scout tried to keep up some small talk that you barely paid attention to. Walking up the stairs, Scout brought you before your room.

"Here's your room! See? Look, it even has your class symbol on it!"

Scout gently put down the rest of your luggage in front of your door.

"Well, dinner's at 5, try to get settled before then, alright?"

With that, he left.

You were confused and worried. Trying to shake the uneasy feeling away, you looked up your door. Your class symbol was plastered neatly to your door. Smiling to yourself, you opened the door and pushed your luggage through it.

With a soft click, your door shut tightly.

And your new life as a spy began.

To be continued

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