Photo booth (xScout)

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---Author's note---
This is actually loosely based off a true story! I run from various classes.. haha. Also, this was hard to write because I don't like Scout.. I don't think I'll write about him often :/

You were smiling as you daintly packed your things while screaming internally.

Your professor was driving you up the wall. He couldn't teach to save his own life! You were too tired to deal with this shit today. He would always loom over you, trying to explain something you didn't understand with his frantic explanations.

Still, he was a pretty nice person in general, so you didn't want to hurt his feelings.

But not today.

You were almost done packing your bag when he suddenly turned around.
He saw what you were doing and asked,

"(y/n)? What are you doing?"

You froze, keeping a polite smile on your face, you answered.

"Just tidying up sir!"

He nodded and turned around and continued to blabber on, trying to explain something to a very bored student.

You hated this lecture, and having few students made it hard for you to make a run for it. What made it even worse was that he would stop his lecture at times and took a look around, seeing if anyone fell behind the lecture (which many did) and would try to explain to each student one on one again. And again. And again.

You tried to make yourself quiet and make a mad dash at the same time, causing you to look like some crazed mime. The other students watched with amusement and you took off with your stuff towards the exit.

You managed to sneak out of the lecture room (rather ungracefully)
And started power walking down the hallway with a mad grin plastered on your face.


You started laughing to and bit your lower lip from making too much noise. Some students stared as you kept walking down the hall, arms flinging at your sides.

When you got out of the building, you fist pumped the air.

"YES!!! Freedom!!! I fucking hate that class!!"

"Yay!!! Good for you!!"

You stopped and turned around. A guy in a baseball cap with a matching jacket gave a short applause and hooted for you.

You blushed and tried to run, when the weird guy stopped you.

"Where are ya goin toots?"

His boston accent was filled with mirth, as he saw how flustered you were.


You realized you didn't really have a plan, where would you go? That was your only class for the day, and the weather was too nice to just turn in...

He blocked your path, grinning.

"Why don't you spend the day with me girlie? I ain't got much to do myself."

You thought about it and decided to give him a shot. After all, what could go wrong?

You nodded and he grinned even wider.

"Dat's the spirit! You can call me Scout sweets"

You gave him a skeptical look.


"Dat's the name, girlie, you're (y/n) right?"

"Yeah, how did you know that?"

He gave a big laugh and smiled.

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