Queen (xSniper)

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----Author's note----

Requested by Duncan_the_sniper!
I recently realized, over 1K views?
Thank you dear readers! Every vote and comment really makes my day! Please never hesitate to comment or request! Once again, thank you dear readers☆☆☆

If you're reading this, you're reading the latest edit, for some reason it won't upload??? *sobs*

The BLU Sniper watched the rain from his sniping nest, the rain lightly battering over his window.

His sniping nest was quite far from base, surrounded by the forest. He could see the mist around the area, hung like a cloud, the air filled with the scent of the wet forest and the warm scent of the black coffee he was holding held in the air.

It would have been perfect if you were im his arms.

It was difficult to see you though, you were on RED, and the both of you knew how difficult it was to cross borders. The BLU Sniper had always made a mad dash over the borders just to take a glimpse of your face, being rained by bullets from sentries as he did so. You were always the one better at sneaking over, but he didn't want to take any chances of you getting hurt. So he would always cross the border first before you got there. But it always had the same ending, him bleeding madly while dashing away.

You always watched this little scene from your window, it hurt to see him send a toothy grin your way while he gripped his bloody arm, being chased by a RED Soldier.

The Sniper continued to drink his coffee, looking outside wondering when to go over to see you when he heard footsteps come up the stairs.

Who could it be?

With a knock on the door, he opened it, to find you standing there.


You tackled him, and he fell backwards on the floor.

You giggled and closed the distance, and for a moment, the BLU Sniper melted, and leaned into the kiss, forgetting any worries.

You both ended the kiss with a dreamy sigh, and just gazed into each other's eyes. No words were needed.

"Guess you beat me. Oi should'a gone there first.."

"Haha, you're adorable Sniper"

He blushed furiously and you giggled, he was adorable when he was flustered.

You leaned into him as you brought his hand to your face, and you nuzzled into it. He loved it when you did this.

He leaned his forehead against yours.

"Oi missed ya (y/n).."

You rubbed your forehead against his, slowly taking in the scent of his musk.
You slowly pulled away to lay on the couch behind you both, and sat across it, waiting for Sniper to come.

The BLU Sniper blushed and laid on the couch, and laid his head on your lap, looking up at you, absolutely adoring you.

You ran your fingers through his hair and he groaned in satisfaction. You both didn't say much, just enjoying each other's presence.

The two of you listened to the rain pouring outside, a gentle whistle of wind creaking the window, while you both laid on the couch together.


A few days later, you were reading in your room, when the blast of several sentries went off at once.


Soldier gave a war cry, waving a shovel and Scout was carrying a scattergun.


The BLU Sniper was running for his life, he had been caught again! He had several bullet holes through him, he clutched his side as he kept running.

He turned around and flashed his crocodile smile at you, waving a bloody hand and kept running.

Your heart broke, you were about to stop your team mates when suddenly Soldier and Scout fell down, and a red cloud of smoke formed.

You smiled, it was Spy. He knew about your little secret, and since you both were best friends, he would help you meet Sniper, or help him get away in one piece.

A few minutes later, you heard footsteps come up your room, with a knock.

"(Y/n)? Are 'ou in zhere?"

You opened the door and Spy stood there with a bloody parcel in hand.

"He left zhis for 'ou (y/n)"

Your heart sank at the sight of blood. It was BLU Sniper's!! But you took the parcel anyways. Thanking Spy, you turned to your desk and unfolded the parcel.

Unfolding the parcel, you found a small heart shaped object with the inside hollowed. It was big as a normal book, and other than being heart shaped ans being very light, there was nothing very special about it.

Along with it, there was a small note.

"Throw this on the meadow in front of your place at 9 pm."

You were cofused. He gave you something just to throw it away? You were really curious.

Anyways, the sun had set, and you found yourself in front of the meadow, a breeze whistling through the tall grass. The sky was filled with stars, giving you a dreamy feeling.

You checked your watch, and it just struck 9 pm. You fiddled with the strange heart shaped object. What was this? What would happen? Even though you didn't know what it was, you found yourself relunctant to throw it away. It was from your boyfriend!

But still, there must be some kind of reason for you to throw it. You ran your hands over the strange thing, before you threw it onto the grassy plane.

When it hit the ground with a small thunk, and light etched around it. You gasped and saw fireflies start their lights surrounding the heart. And the fireflies flew away.

A sea of light was formed before you. Thousands of fireflies flew before youn surrounding the air, with a small hum of wings flying.

And through the sea of light, you saw Sniper at the end of the meadow, grinning as he walked towards you.

You gave a small sound of joy, and starting running towards him laughing. You ran into his embrace, and he burst out in laughter, spinning you around.

He let you down and cupped your face in his calloused hands. You looked up at him, the lights surrounding you like stars. You gazed into his eyes. The both of you stood there, looking into each other's eyes, when he grabbed your hand.

He slipped on a small crown made out of a real flowers on your head. It was clumsily made, but it was filled with his love. You smiled and looked at it fondly.

"And what is this supposed to mean mr. Sniper sir?"

He chuckled and rubbed his forehead against yours.

"It means Oi'm yours sheila. You're my queen"

You cleared your throat, fixing your posture, you tried to look grand.

"Well slave! I command thee to bow before me!"

He got on one knee, with a hand to his heart, he took off his hat and gave a bow.

"Of course my queen!"

You stiffled a laugh.

"I also command thee to kiss my hand!"

He chuckled and slowly raised your hand to his lips. Brushing against it slowly with his mouth.

You giggled, and he rose before you, holding you in his arms.

"Is there anything else my queen?"

You brought his face to yours.

"Kiss me"

He lighted up, and closed the distance between you.

And the two of you were lost in a little world only the both of you knew.

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