Rose (xSoldier)

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And he would have passed a pleasant life of it, in despite of the devil and all his works, if his path had not been crossed by a being that cause more perplextiy to mortal man than ghosts, goblins, and the whole race of witches put together and that was- a woman.

                                -Washington Irving

Flying bullets, explosions, and the cry of the dying. The Soldier had seen pretty much seen everything. But none of these things could ever compare to the one person who left such a lasting impact on him. Like a punch to the chest, he was out of breath, and captured with awe.

And this certain person had no idea such an inner conflict was ocurring everyday, every moment like a silent storm in the Soldier's head.

This certain person only had one thing in mind. And that was the piling dishes in the sink.

"Scout! I told you to put the cups in the sink after you're done!"

"Yeasorrygottagobye (y/n)!"

You gave a small sigh and put the mess Scout made into the sink. How Scout was capable of making a mess bigger than the 8 other men could ever make combined was beyond you.
But it's your job, nothing you can do about it.

You slipped some rubber gloves on, mimicking a certain german on base.

"Prepare for jour examinaztion!"

You sounded exactly like Medic, and the men around the table (Sniper/ Engineer/Heavy/Medic) started howling with laughter.

"Mein gott!! she really sounds like me!"

Medic wiped tears from his eyes as you grinned and continued with the dishes.

Soldier stomped in the dining room/kitchen with a shovel over his shoulder.

"Maggots! We need to fill that hole outside, get your shovels and MOVE!!"

The men groaned, and Solider merely growled-until he saw you.

"Soldier! I told you no weapons or tools in the kitchen!"

He looked as if he was going to say something when he gave up and muttered a small "yes ma'm" left.

The others gave a sigh of relief and kept eating their breakfast.

He could never stand up to you (let alone talk) something about you held him captive in your grasp. You were only half his size, and yet you managed to get him to do anything. Not that you would take advantage of him though.

He spent most of his life surrounded by grubby men, dirty socks or fighting. Your small frame and delicate movements had him dumbstruck. It was so strange! And yet not an unwelcome change in his life. He just didn't know what to do with such a small cute person.

Your presense always confused the Soldier. He wanted to be with you, yet he didn't want to be near you in fear he might hurt you. You made him want to shout and run, or spin and hide. What was going on??

The Soldier was deep in thought as he walked pass Spy. His face was confused and thoughtful, an expression the frenchman did not miss.

"Soldier, 'ou seem deep in thought"

Soldier turned pink and scratched the back of his head.

"Uh.. yeah.."

Spy chuckled and looked at him with an amused grin.

"'Ou are zhinking about 'er again non?"

Soldier was crimson now.

"What?! No!! I mean yess, No! I don't mean... nothing!!"

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