Watch Dog (xMedic)

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---Author's note---

Requested by KoisukiAnata!
Overproctive Medic! And in my opinion, weird Medic is the best Medic xD

The man ran out of the old manor as it burned down. Panting, he looked back with triumph.

"You will haunt us no longer.."

Everything darkened until it was pitch black. A sad song started playing and the credits rolled up.

"Wow! What an ending! Let's go!"

You hopped up from your seat with a empty popcorn bucket. You walked down a few stairs along with some other people when you noticed something missing.

You turned around and saw your boyfriend, Joseph white with fear sitting in his seat as still as a statue.


He merely stared ahead.


Sitting in the mall with your friend, you both continued drinking your coffee.

"So let me get this straight.. you and your boyfriend went to see a scary movie..."

You sighed.

"And he saw that the main character failed to protect his girlfriend, so she died..."

You sipped your drink.

"And now he's scared that he might not protect you like that guy in the movie?"

You rolled your eyes and directed at something over your shoulder. Leaning sideways, your friend saw Joseph hiding behind a pillar, spying on you, with his dove perched on his shoulder.

"Oh wow.."

You gave a weary smile and silently beckoned your friend to watch you. She did and you tilted your chair backwards, with your arms crossed.


Joseph ran over to you and put your chair straight, and checked you.

"(Y/N)!!! All jou alright dear?! How did jou lost jour balance?! Are jou dizzy?!"

Archimedes also fluttered in a frantic manner above your head.

You snorted and spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh? Joseph I didn't realize you were here!"

Your friend giggled.

"And I thought I told you to stop following me?"

Joseph gulped, and took a few steps backwards.

"Ach.. zha-zhat's vright dear! I just.. uh.."

You rolled your eyes.

"I said go home. If I catch you following me one more time...."

"Ack!! Y-yes of course liebe!"

With that he scrurried away, Archimedes perched on his shoulder.

You and your friend were left alone.

"So... is he really gone?"

"Nah, he hides somewhere thinking he's safe"

"Damn that's pretty sad"

You sighed.

"I'm just really worried about him, he's wearing himself out. I mean, he even camps out in my back yard secretly!"

"Are you sure he's not a serial killer (y/n)?"

You laughed and slapped your friend's shoulder.


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