Confess (xHeavy)

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----Author's note----
Requested by Whereislaurita!
This story is extra special because.. actually it was gone. GONE! I saved it but it disappeared, so I wrote it a whole new story. So I hope you all enjoy this one!! ;_;


The gentle giant repeated himself.

"Heavy wishes to know if (y/n) will go steady with heavy"

Standing outside in the cool night air, you were both under a dead lamp among crates and shipments. Heavy said he had something to say, but you never expected him to say.. well...


Heavy stood there with his arms still crossed, his expression hadn't changed a bit. You looked down at the ground as he patiently waited for your reply.

"I.. really don't know what to say."

It was true. You never thought of Heavy that way before. You both got along fine, but there was never something to even hint that the large Russian thought of you in such a way.

No long gazes, no small brushing of hands, no awkward sweetness. He had never shown any paticular emotion towards you other than polite acknowledgement as a co worker.

In fact, this was the longest conversation you two ever had. His confession came right out of the blue, and it caught you right off guard.

What would you say?

You fiddled with your fingers, looking at your feet, trying to avoid his gaze as you started turning red.

"I.. I don't know"

His still composure made you feel uneasy. He still stood there, and your statement made no change whatsoever in his expression or posture. He felt like a living statue.

"I mean.. I've never thought of you like that way before.. and this was rather sudden.."

He still stood there. The sound of his breathing made you feel uncomfortable.

"Please.. give me a week to think about it."

He nodded and left, leaving you alone standing by yourself. The absense of his presence gave you a feeling of relief, and you gave a deep sigh.

Now what?


During the entire week of thinking you asked for, you have been avoiding Heavy. You didn't really need to, because he didn't even talk or even look your way. Even in battle, your classes weren't the type to work together.

But it was painfully awkward for you. You would steal glances at the giant when you weren't avoiding him, but he was silent as ever. Did he really like you? You started doubting if that meeting ever even happened.

Nonetheless, the end of the week was approaching and you found yourself getting anxious.


The last day came. In just one more day, you would have to confront Heavy, for better or for worse.

You decided to take a breather and headed towards town. You entered a bar, sat down at the counter and started drinking.

The bar was filled with the plesant buzz of chatter. Lights decorated the area, making a cheerful atmosphere to drink in. You smiled to yourself, enjoying peace for the first time in a week.

It didn't last long though. You saw Engineer, Scout, Sniper and Heavy enter the bar too.

You spun in your chair and faced the counter quickly. Thankfully, the others didn't see you and they all sat down at a booth, chatting while looking through the menu.

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