Pâtissier (xSpy)

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---Author's note---
Truth be told, I don't really like Spy, but damn he's so fun to write about! If you were wondering, the French was done in google translate.. so it might be a bit funky. Also, already over 2k views? You are all so very kind! Thank you! ☆☆☆☆

You flopped onto the feathery bed, whining as you buried your head in the soft pillows.

"Laurent..!! You said we would go somewhere..!!"

It's already been 2 weeks since Laurent brought you to Paris, to see his beautiful home country for sight seeing. He lived in a big apartment/home. But he had been busy with all kinds of work, leaving you alone in the big empty apartment. He did always bring flowers and gifts when he came in, but that wasn't really what you wanted.

He gave a soft laugh, sitting next to you on the bed, stroking your hair.

"I am sorry mon chérie. I did not expect to 'ave work either, but zhey are very important summons I cannot refuse."

You pouted. Spy chuckled again and leaned over you.

"Come now chérie, 'ow about I take 'ou somewhere nice tomorrow?"

You perked up, but still tried to act miffed, making Spy smile.

"Fine.. but it better be good"

Spy kissed your ear.

"It will be dearest, just wait and see"


You held your hands to your mouth, and Spy looked down at you with satisfaction. Your eyes shined like stars.


You almost forgot to breathe, you gazed at the giant window embrodded with golden letters, stretching out like a ribbon.

On display were all kinds of desserts, creamy, soft, feathery sweet goodness on parade before your very eyes! The soft colors of the desserts made your mouth water and your eyes sparkle.

You looked back and forth between Spy and the desserts. He chuckled and nodded.

"Oui petit, we'll eat to our 'eart's content today"

Taking your hand, he walked you into the beautiful shop.

The interior was also lavishly decorated as much as the exterior.
It was perfectly sized. Not too big, not too small.

The walls were painted in baby blue, with white ridges and ledges. Soft light colored gold added an accent to the shop, and a small chandelier hung over the place. It was decorated like many of the palaces in France.

You mewled with joy, dragging Spy's hand to the display case of the many desserts.

"Laurent! Look at this! And this!! They're so beautiful!!"

He smiled, and looked at where you pointed.

"Which one do 'ou want chérie?"

You thought deeply, tilting your head as you did.

"I can't decide!"

Just then, a handsome pâtissier walked out of the kitchen, walking towards the counter.

"Oui madamoiselle-"

The pâtissier spotted Spy and gave a happy cry.

"Laurent! Il est si bon de vous revoir!"
(Laurent! It's so good to see you again!)

Spy grinned and grasped his friend's hand.

"En effet. Il est bon de vous voir ainsi. J'y ai emmené ma petite amie pour goûter de votre art mon ami."
(Indeed. It's good to see you as well. I brought my girlfriend to sample some of your art my friend.)

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