Sentry (xEngineer)

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-----Author's note-----
Thank you for the pat on the back FoxyDaOrangePirate! I managed to finish this without weeping over lost progress xD!

Not a request! Just felt like writing something related to Engineer Don't worry, I'm still working on the requests! It's really frustrating when I'm playing as engie and my things blow up.. ;_; damn spahs! (But I do like spies in general though! Haha)

Becoming a spy was the best decision you've ever made! You had cool gadgets, nice coworkers and most of all, you got to tick off your favorite (RED/BLU) enemy.

The Engineer.

You would always make it your duty to make sure his sentries and dispensers never got in the way, taking down his teleporter was a bonus. Every time you managed to destroy his things, the Engineer would be a angry sweaty mess that frantically rushed around, trying to keep his little toys safe.

You would always watch with glee how he always nervously checked his back and worked on his little machines. You felt sorry for him sometimes and would leave his precious trinkets alone, and just backstab him instead. (What?)

He was an important part of the team, keeping his team mates safe, healthy, and even get them moving quickly.
So it was only logical that you attacked him and him only, right?!



It was another day of battle, bullets rained and large explosions and screams filled the air.

You were taking a small stroll around the area, smiling as you watched the dirty smelly men fly around. Artfully dodging bullets and rockets, you slowly strolled up to the (RED/BLU) Engineer's nest.

He was sweating in the hot desert sun, working furiously on one of his sentries.

You squealed inwardly seeing how cute he was. His well toned arms swinging his wrench, and he had a small underbite when he got focused.

His yellow rubber glove shined in the sunlight, as he wiped his forehead, and his face was painted with passion and determination for his work.

It was like your eyes were shining up when you saw him. You slowly cloaked yourself, and started sneaking towards him.

You never let him see you, secretly, you were worried if you let him see you, he would shoot you down. (well he was the enemy!) The bullet wouldn't hurt as much as the disapointment you would feel. So you made sure you were hidden.

Anyways, the rest of the REDS and BLUS were moving to another point. Leaving you both alone. The Engineer was about to pack up, when you danced along, blowing softly into his ear.

The Engineer gave a small yelp, looking around wildly. You laughed quietly when you saw him clutching his ear.

"Dammit! Is there a damn Spah?!"

Your heart felt a pang of sadness. So you decided you would be even meaner!

He held the wrench in his hand, slowly looking around for you. You easily dodged any random attacks he would make, only hitting the air.
You snorted to yourself and ran a finger up his back.

"What the..?!"

He shivered and clutched his back.

You giggled and while he was frantically looking back, you sneaked a sapper on his sentry.


You watched amusedly as he tried to get the sapper off, while you planted sappers on everything else too.

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